Pda || P.P.

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Pairing: Peter Parker x fem!reader

Warnings: language, fluff


"Alright alright, what's on for tonight?" Tony walks over towards the couches where most of the team has gathered.

"Hereditary," you say nonchalantly and bring over the snacks, placing them down.

"Wait, I thought we said comedy tonight," Bruce sits up from the corner of the couch he was lying down in.

"It is comedy," Bucky says and sits towards the end of the large cough, grabbing a pillow to lean on.

"No—" Bruce protests and soon Peter walks over with the drinks for everyone.

"It's Y/n turn to choose tonight, so she chose Hereditary," Peter shrugs as he places the cups and drinks on the overly large coffee table. The living room of the compound was of course big, especially if it was going to fit the whole team of Avengers for movie nights like these.

"Some comedy movie Y/n," Steve flops onto the couch next to Tony, causing him to complain incoherently.

"You girls whine too much," Nat retorts winking at you as she sits close to you. Wanda soon enters the living room as well, tossing everybody blankets. She cuddles up to Vision on the smaller sofa to the side.

"Hey in my defence, horror movies are my comfort movies," you shrug and motion for Peter to fall into your arms.

"You sure know how to pick em, Parker. I'll give you that," Clint jokes while leaning on Nat. Peter laughs and falls into your arms like you requested, smiling as you hug him close.

"I brought beer!" Thor walks in, holding up two dozens.

"Of course," Vision chuckles, shaking his head. Everyone grabs some, except for you and Peter.

You reach out to grab one until Steve slaps your hand. You gape at him, "Steve!"
"Kid, you're like 12," he smirks, retracting his hand.

You huff and glare at him, letting your hand fall back onto Peter. "I'll have you know I'm actually 20."

"Still technically underage," Peter glances up at you with a cheeky grin, grabbing himself a beer.

"You're mentally underage," you roll your eyes, pushing him off of you.

"Well not really—" Bruce pipes up, making you groan loudly.

"You're no help Banner," you whine.

"All I hear is a baby crying," Rhodey yawns, taking a sip of his beer as he finds a place next to Steve and Tony.

"Shut up, let's start the movie," you move around to get comfortable, finding yourself snuggling up to Peter as he sat up more. He holds his beer in one hand manages to hold you close with the other. You smile softly and bring yourself closer to him, pressing yourself into his chest while lying your head in his neck.

"Man what the hell is this? I did not want to see public display of affection right now. I brought you all pizza and this is what I get in return?" Sam walks in, loudly gagging at the sight of you and Peter all cuddly. Some of the team snicker at his entrance and glance over at the both of you.

"It's a natural thing Wilson, when I was their age I was already having—" Thor bubbles loudly, already downing on his third beer.

"Anyway!" Peter cuts him off before he could ramble on about some inappropriate experiences he's had as a teenager on Asgard. "What's the problem, Sam? Jealous because you couldn't bring your girl– oh wait, that's right. You don't have one," Peter jokingly grimaces. Your jaw slacks and the rest of the team appalled at his comeback.

"Did Peter Parker just say that?" Tony bursts out in laughter.

"He's right though," Bucky grins while nodding in approval. Sam shoots him a glare and slides the pizzas onto the coffee table.

"I'll get you back, Parker," Sam sends him a teasing glare, finding a spot on the couch.

"Can we start already children?" Nat rolls her eyes while cuddling against Clint platonically.

"Yep," Rhodey shakes his head and starts the movie.

"Good one babe," you whisper into Peter's ear, pressing your lips against a spot beneath his neck tenderly before snuggling even closer into his body. He feels his heart soar and himself melt at your touch. He holds your waist and smirks proudly, kissing your temple as he averts his eyes towards the movie.

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