Rough day || P.P.

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Pairing: college!peter x fem!reader

Warnings: fluff, lil suggestive


Peter huffed as he sunk in the couch, gaze flickering from the telly to his wrist watch every few seconds.

you were supposed to be home two hours ago but it was almost midnight and he was alone in your shared apartment, with a half eaten chinese takeout box and it's remnants strewn over the coffee table.

it was date night.

You promised you'd be home, you had texted him that you were on your way two hours ago and there was still no sign of you. you haven't returned his calls or texts, a part of him was letting his worries take over but his anger outweighed his worries.

He hadn't had the chance to spend time with you in weeks. uni and his Spider-Man duties barely left any time for you both to spend time with each other. not to mention the part time job you took up last month to help out with the rent. he lived with you, in the same apartment and yet he felt like he hadn't seen you in days.

sure, he'd pull you closer to him during the rare early hours of the day when he'd just gotten back from patrolling and you were about to wake up to leave for work. he'd kiss your lips, hold you to him and bask in your warmth. but that was cut short by your stupid alarm -

All he wanted was to spend some time with you. to have you talk about your day (mainly, complain about your stupid boss) with a glass of red whine in your hand while he cooked dinner. he wanted to kiss you mid sentence, turn off the stove as you'd place your wine glass aside so he can pick you up and push you on the counter - okay, maybe he was frustrated because he hadn't slept with you in months.

but at the moment, he didn't care. it was date night, all he wanted was you -

"I'm home," you pushed open the door, sniffling as you wiped your nose with the sleeve of your sweater.

peter pushed himself up from the couch when you shut the door behind yourself. you let your tote bag fall to the floor as you screwed your eyes shut, leaning your head back on the wooden door.

"y/n, I've been calling you for hours," peter huffed, planting his feet on the cold floor, taking a few steps further to catch a glimpse of you that was previously obstructed by the wall separating the entrance and the living room, "where have you been - ?"

"sweetheart, are you alright?" the anger vanished into nothingness, his frown morphed into a concerned expression as he took your hand and pulled you closer to him. you were drenched from head to toe, your clothes clung to you like a second skin and he could tell you've already caught a cold with the way you were sniffling.

"i thought you had an umbrella in your bag?" he pushed the wet strands of your hair out of your face as you let him pull you further into him, "are - are you okay? do you want me to run you a bath - ?"

you stepped in, circling your arms around his waist and pulling him in as you rested your head on his chest, "I'm sorry I missed date night," you sniffled and he relaxed. he smiled to himself, patting your head as he rubbed soothing circles on your back.

"y/n, it's fine," he kissed your forehead, "its okay, it's not your fault - "

"its not okay," you pulled away from him, your breath hitching as you wiped your wet eyes with the back of your hand, "I promised that I'd give a night, that I'd give us a night. the classes ran late because this stupid fucking bitch doesn't know how to read the time, she gave us the wrong assignments and then blamed us for not turning in the right one. it's the assignment that took me three fucking days to complete, you know - "

"i know," he reached out to you, "I know, baby."

"and work - " you let out a hollow laugh, making peter grow further concerned, "this bitch had the audacity - what part of we do not sell hotdogs in a fucking ice cream shop does he not get? he threated to report me over it and - and then the car broke down so I had to get it towed away and it started raining and I was late for our date, I-I gave my umbrella to this girl who started working today because I had my car but, I didn't -"

"y/n," he hushed you and pulled you in, he wound his arms around your waist and held you to him. your fingers curled around the material of his shirt and you hid your face in his chest. "its alright, you had a hard day, I understand. now, quit worrying about the date, I'll take care of you."

"its okay," he cooed when you tried to protest and you nodded in defeat, pressing a kiss on his collarbone as you snuggled for warmth, breathing in his intoxicating scent that calmed you. it reminded you that you were with him.

you were home.

"I got you all wet," you puffed out a laugh, wiping your wet cheeks as he chuckled, looking down at the wet stain on his shirt.

he raised an eyebrow at you, "I thought I was supposed to get you all wet."

"shut up," you narrowed your gaze at him playfully, shrugging off your coat. he took the coat from your hands as you took off your shoes. "give me a few minutes then we can cook dinner," you placed a hand on his back to let him know as he hung the coat on the coat rack, "I'll go take a shower - "

"good," he smiled at you as his gaze flickered to the kitchen, "I ordered Chinese takeout, I'll heat it up for you while you're - "

" - and you're going to join me," you smiled at him slyly, pulling him towards the bathroom by his arm.

"even better," he blushed, letting you pull him inside the bathroom and shut the door.

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