Pretty in pink || P.P.

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Pairing: Peter Parker x fem!reader

Warnings: mentions of sex, fluff, flustered!peter


"I liked the pink skirt better," Peter pouted, taking the shopping bag from the cashier as you exited the shop. You rolled your eyes, glancing back at your boyfriend, biting back a smile at his puffed out cheeks as you held out your hand for him.

"I can't keep buying skirts just for you, Peter," you said as he took your hand, smiling down at your linked hands as he interlaced his fingers with yours, the warmth of your touch seeping into his skin. "I need pants as well!"

He let go off your hand, tugging at your skirt to pull you closer to him, trailing his fingers up your skin, under your skirt. "Why?" he whined and you squealed, pulling away from you as your cheeks heated up, "you should show off your beautiful legs, baby."

You playfully narrowed your gaze at him, swatting away his hand as you smoothed down your skirt. "Peter," you warned, "behave."

He smiled cheekily, interlacing his fingers with yours, pressing a kiss on the corner of your mouth, "c'mon, I'll buy us ice cream." He pressed his lips to yours, pulling you in for a sweet kiss, "I'll kick harry out for the evening when we get home, we can have a movie night - "

You pulled away from him and he whined at the loss of your touch. Your eyes grew wide as the words died on his lips and he peered up at you with questioning eyes, "wait, I have to buy something else."

"I thought you bought whatever you needed," he nodded at the shopping bag dangling from his fingers as he tilted his head to the side, his brows knitted together.

Your face broke out in a sly smile, you pulled your bottom lip in between your teeth as your good tightened on his hand. "I need to buy underwear," you nodded towards the Victoria Secret store to your side, Peter's cheeks heated up as he followed your gaze.

"Oh," he whispered, his gaze fixated on the store as his eyes traced the pretty lingerie that hung near the glass doors on display. He broke his gaze when you tugged at his hand, leading him to the store, "no, wait - I'll stay here."

You frowned, tugging on his hand, "no," you hated shopping alone, that's why you asked him to come along with you. You urged him, "come with me."

He hesitated as his eyes drifted away from you, to the store, "but, y/n - "

You whined, "Peter, c'mon," you didn't want to push him but, "it's just underwear, grow up."

He huffed, looking away from you. He has seen you in your underwear a couple times. You've both been dating ever since you were able to gather up enough courage to kiss him at the frat party two months ago. You've liked him for so long, you could barely remember and now you got to hold him close to you.

He had you under him, tugging your shirt up as your lips chased after his but he hadn't taken it further. You loved when he got flustered around you, you loved peppering sweet kisses all over his rosy cheeks. He was sweet, gentle and innocent. You understood his hesitancy to walk into a store to buy underwear with his girlfriend, but he was mature enough to handle it.

"I - uh, fine, whatever." He regretted the words the moment they left his lips. It was not fine.

You beamed at him and he didn't have the heart to take back his words. He tightened his hold on your hand as you led him inside the store, his cheeks burned when the lady greeted them at the door. You returned her polite smile but he couldn't meet her eyes.

You giggled, kissing his nose, "it's fine, babe," you pressed your lips to his, "it's okay, I promise you won't get arrested for being in a lingerie store, Peter."

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