Hidden pt. 2 || P.P.

924 20 1

Pairing: Peter Parker x fem!reader

Warnings: idek really :/



"So?" You smile at the boy that's just arrived at your dorm room. He's smiling sheepishly and right off the bat you know something's up.

"The- Mr. Stark and the- the... Avengers. They want to meet you — sorry, they, uh- they found out. About- about us, I mean."

Your mouth is open in shock and you don't know quite how to respond. You lick your lips in thought, "That's... alright."

"We don't have to if you don't want to-"

"No, no, no! Of course I want to," You assure him, hand intertwining with his own. "Just... nervous."

"Yeah," he chuckles nervously, scratching the back of his neck. When he locks eyes with you, his cheeks tint and it makes you smile.

"But..." You dip your voice and Peter's head shoots up in hopefulness. "I'm glad they want to meet me."

"So you'll come?"

"Of course I will," You pull him into your embrace, arms around his middle. "It's your family. That makes them mine, too."

He smiles at that, hands settling on your waist. Somehow, he'll have to convince you to be mentally prepared by tomorrow afternoon.

"So," Natasha smiles a little too much. "When?"

"Today, I already told you." Peter replies nervously. They're gathered in the kitchen again, Peter sitting at a kitchen stool while the team gather around him, pestering him about you and when you'll show.

"Yeah, but she's not here yet."

"No," Peter looks at Sam, "But she will be."


Before Peter can answer Wanda's question, his phone dings, alerting him that somebody's messaged him. He pulls it out of his pocket, checking his notifications and smiling when he sees your contact pop up on his home screen.

"Is that her?"

Wanda (and the rest of the Avengers) watch as Peter nods absentmindedly, eyes still trained on his phone while he makes his way off the chair and to the elevator, where you're making your way up the compound and onto his floor.

When the elevator doors finally slide open, Tony sucks in a breath and holds it while he watches Peter greet you.

"Hi, baby," he smiles, grabbing both of your hands with a sweet and gentle smile. You exhale, releasing your nerves. You're happy to finally see Peter — you hope you can calm your nerves enough to hold a decent conversation with the people that matter most to him.

"Hey," you mirror his smile, intertwining one of your hands and completely stepping away from the hallway with the elevator. Peter swings your hands while the two of you walk to the kitchen, gazing at you with tinted cheeks and messy curls.

"So, you must be-"

"Y/N," You finish for Steve with a nervous smile. "It's really nice to meet you all."

"And you," Sam agrees. "The girl that's giving Peter hi-"

"The uh-" Natasha cuts him off by slamming her heel on his toe. "The girl that's keeping Peter... occupied."

The room grows silent in an awkward realization of what they're both implying, and Tony clears his throat while clasping his hands, stepping forward.


"Mr. Stark," Peter glances at you sheepishly before looking back at Tony. "This is my... girlfriend. Y/N, that's Mr. Stark."

"Tony," He assures the two of you. "I keep telling him to call me Tony but the boy never budges, so," he shrugs his shoulder and you laugh, the sound ringing in Peter's ears like a symphony.

"How long have you guys been together?"

"I'd imagine pretty long if they're already-"

"Thank you, Bucky," Steve interrupts. "But I think they can answer."

You smile nervously again, looking at Peter before answering. "Almost half a year."

"And you met at your lecture?"

"Yeah, physics." You let a laugh slip out, quieting when you realize they're practically studying your form and appearance. "He- uh... he sat next to me on the first day and things just took off from there."

"Is he the hickey-provoker in this relationship? Or is it mutual?" Tony places a hand on his chin while he asks. Colour drains from Peter's face and you almost laugh at the entire situation.

"Uhm- it's... mutual?"  You clear your throat, "We're equal provokers." You only get a hum in response, so you glance around to see if any of them will jump into the conversation to at least help preserve your dignity.

"Is he too much sometimes?"

"Too much...?" You look at Nat curiously, prompting her to further explain.

"Too horny?" Sam tries. Peter smacks his forehead in response

"Jesus," Bucky laughs under his breath, wiping his forehead. "Way to get to the point."

"She wanted to know! I just put it more clearly! It's not li-"

"Guys," Steve interrupts, halting conversation.

"Okay, but is he?" Wanda goes on, "Because he's a ball of energy here, but then he goes to see you and it's like-"

"Okay, thank you," Peter interrupts, eyes wide and jaw clenched. "She- we-"

He's not sure how to say what he's thinking, and the supers chuckle at his speechlessness.

"But you're safe, right?"


"What?" he holds his hands up in defence, looking at Bruce.

"You took my question!"

Peter's face is hidden in his hands while you're biting back a surprised chuckle. You look at Peter, who's sporting a bright blush, and you squeeze his hand a little tighter, reminding him that you're here — even through the embarrassing moments. Peter's quite sure he's about to die of embarrassment right now.

"Find another question!"

"Fine!" He huffs, eyebrows pulled together. Natasha laughs at them, rubbing Bruce's shoulder in a comforting way.

"He's a good boyfriend, though?" Tony asks.

"Well they're up all night," Vision says. "On the phone, I mean."

Peter's sucked in breath is released all at once — a bitter silence had settled when they pondered what Vision truly meant, but then he clarified and Peter was more thankful than ever before.

"Yeah, he's uhm..." You look at Peter momentarily, "He's great."

"Horny and hickey-sucking, but yeah," Sam says in a sarcastic voice. "He's great!"

You break into a laugh and Peter pulls you a little closer to his side.

"Well, as much as we love this," He smiles bashfully, cheeks tinted pink still. "We're gonna go."

Peter tugs you in the direction of his room, the superheroes clearing a path.

"Don't get too frisky!"

"Yeah, keep the door open!"

Peter winces, eyes squinting shut at embarrassment. May was bad enough — now that he's got Tony and the team on his back, it's three times the intimidation.

"If the door isn't open I'm talking to Friday about new protocols!"

"Tony!" Natasha quiets him. "They're in college!"

"I don't need babies here!"

Peter chokes on air, "We'll be fine!"

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