Peter's (Girl)friend || P.P.

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Pairing: Peter Parker x fem!reader

Warnings: suggestive, kissing, tony and his parental advice


"Hi," you said, your head resting against his naked chest. Your fingers played with his curls, pushing the tendrils of his hair out of his eyes as he stirred underneath you, a soft smile spreading across his face as his eyes fluttered open.

"Hey," he muttered, his raspy voice caused a shiver to shoot up your spine. You simply giggled, leaning up to press a kiss on his cheek as his smile widened. "You look beautiful, y/n/n."

"Buttering me up for round two?" You teased as you pushed yourself up, buttoning the top buttons of the flannel shirt you borrowed from him last night after you were done doing...each other.

He hummed in response, propping himself up on his elbows, stretching out his legs as his arm reached for you, "is it working?" He asked, his fingers brushing against your cheek, pulling you closer.

"You're being too forward considering what happened last night." You giggled, pushing his hands away from you as you sat up completely. A blush coated his cheeks as he coughed, looking away.

"Shut up." he pouted, jutting out his bottom lip. he looked like a kicked puppy and your heart melted at the sight. You wrapped your arms around him, pulling his face to your chest as your nails scratched his scalp lightly.

"You're so cute." You mumbled, pulling his face up to press soft kisses on his rosy cheeks. His blush only deepened as he pulled away from you gently.

You two have been skirting around your feelings for each other for a while. You've been friends for a year now, best friends actually. He always came to your dorm at night, telling you stories about his adventures as Spider-Man. You always fell asleep to his voice.

A few nights ago, he kissed you when you were studying for finals in the library. It was late, you were stressed and sleep deprived and he ended up kissing you instead of explaining the chemical reactions you were supposed to study for your chemistry final.

You barely got to see each other during the finals, the kiss was never brought up. Until yesterday, he called you up, asking you to come over to the compound. He was alone, thankfully. You both finally got to talking, one thing led to another and you were wrapped up in peter's arms, laying on his bed.

"You're cuter." he whispered, kissing your nose as you giggled, pushing him away from you gently.

"I have to brush my teeth, you idiot." You laughed as he whined, grasping your arms.

"I don't care, c'mon–"

"You have to brush your teeth too, Pete." You said, giving him a pointed look, his smile faltered, an annoyed huff escaping his lips.

"You're so annoying." He let out a puff of air, pushing himself up, slipping off the bed. He was just wearing a pair of boxers. Your lips parted as your eyes flickered down to the marks on his lower stomach and hip bone.

"Well," you crawled over to the edge of the bed, standing on your knees to wrap your arms around his neck, "if you hurry up and brush your teeth, I might give you a little treat, baby boy."

He blushed under your gaze, nervousness coating his features. He pulled away from you, shyly glancing at you with a hesitant smile. "I'll be done in a minute."

You giggled as he shut the bathroom door behind himself. You flopped down on the bed, stretching out your legs. your thighs were barely covered by his shirt. You rolled over, glancing down at the floor to search for where you threw your clothes last night.

"Peter–" you jolted upright, scrambling to pull the blankets over yourself as the door was pushed open. Tony–Tony fucking Stark, poked his head inside, his eyes growing wide as he took in the sight.

He stepped back, the door now wide open. He glanced at the door then back at you, his eyes wandering around the room. His brows knitted in confusion as he let out a sigh.

"I'm sorry," he started, "is this peter's room?"

You nodded your head, the blanket clutched to your chest. "Y-yeah, it's so nice to finally meet you, sir. Peter talks a lot about you."

He nodded, a frown settling on his face as he adjusted his glasses. He motioned towards you as he leaned against the door frame, "and you are...?"

"Y/n," you quickly replied, a sigh of relief escaping your lips as his eyes widened in realisation. He knew you. heat rushed to your cheeks at the thought of peter talking about you to his family. "Peter's..."

Peter's what?


"This doesn't exactly look like a friend situation," he pointed out, "more like a friend's with benefits situation–wait, I shouldn't pry. I'm sorry. That kid would bug me about irritating you to no end."

"Right." You offered him a tight lipped smile. "Peter and I are friends for now. I mean–its not complicated or anything. We just haven't talke–"

"I'm done, baby." Peter called out as the bathroom door swung open, his thumb hooked in the waistband of his boxers as he eyed you with a smirk. "Get ready for round two–what the actual fuck?!"

He yelped, his eyes growing wide as he spotted tony standing at the door with an uncomfortable smile on his face. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"You didn't tell me you were sexually active, kid." Tony said, glancing at you as you hid your face behind your hands. "You know, we were supposed to talk about this stuff. Do you think we need to have the talk again–?"

"Tony–" Peter glanced at you, embarrassed. he turned to Tony, puling the other side of the blanket to cover himself, "oh my god, can we not do this right now?"

"At least tell me you were safe." He said, taking a step back, "you know, I told you not to do anything I would do. And this is exactly what I would do. This playboy life doesn't last long, kid. And even if you are going to sleep around, make sure you're safe. I am too young to become a grandpa–"

"She's my girlfriend, Mr. Stark!" He said, his fingers gripping the blanket as you both glanced at him with surprise.

"Wait, we never talked about it, though." You said, turning to him, letting the blanket fall and pool around your waist.

"I mean," he inhaled sharply, "I just thought–we slept together so I just assumed you would want us to be together–"


"I'm sorry, did I read this wrong?" Peter looked hurt. "You said you liked me so I just, I am sorry. was this just a one time thing then?"

"I feel like I am intruding." Tony piped in.

"No, no–" you reached for his hands, ignoring Tony's words, "I do want us to be together. but you never asked me to be your–never mind. I'll do it. Peter Parker, will you be my boyfriend?"

He nodded, his heart oozing with love for you, his eyes full of adoration. "God, you're perfect." He mumbled, pulling you in. He placed a chaste kiss on your lips, his arms looping around your waist as you giggled.

"Okay, I love that you have a girlfriend now. but I would appreciate if you would stop making out in front of me." Tony quipped and peter let out an annoyed huff.

"Mr. Stark!"

"She seems like a lovely girl, peter." Tony said, as he backed away, "I would love for you to have dinner with us sometime. Pepper and Morgan would love to meet you."

"Of course," you offered him a polite smile.

"And no sex when I'm home." He gave you both a stern look. "so no round two or whatever you both were planning–"

"Mr. Stark!"

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