Wrong item || P.P.

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Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!reader

Warnings: sexual innuendo, sausages are mentioned


"What do we have left?" You asked, checking the long list of things that the team, well, more like your father had asked you to buy for Morgan's seventh birthday, it was a long, long list alright, with items such as confetti, balloons with a p.s beside it that read must be pink, topped with the items that the rest of the team wanted, which honestly was a never ending list as well, but what could you say, it was a well known fact that the avengers finished newly bought groceries like wild fire.

A very good example would be the pop tarts and muffins you got two days ago, it was gone well within three hours , curtesy of Thor, and of course, the rest of the team who practically shoveled the food down, which saw you once again at the shopping mall with Peter who was also sent out by you dad to help with the items.

"There's, uh, beer-"

"Let me guess, Thor," You said sighing when Peter shrugged, thank Asgardians and their immunity to alcohol.

"Chocolate brownies, pop tarts, paprika and uh," Peter stopped halfway as you were keeping check of all the food that you had yet to buy in your mind, you turned to your best friend, raising an eyebrow when you saw his eyes wide as saucers as he stared at the list.

"Pete? You okay?"

"Y-yeah, the list, says that we need to get a, I-" Peter started, his face turning a tomato red, almost as If he had seen something that he probably wasn't supposed to.

"Let me see that," you said as you reached out for the paper, your eyes scanning the scribbles that were mixed with dashes across items that you already had in your cart, you stopped at the last line, and you swore your eyes grew so wide you almost thought they were about to pop out from their sockets.


"Yeah that," Peter replied, and you glared back at the last line that read, "two packs of condoms," and from the oh so familiar handwriting, you immediately recognized it to be Natasha's, the winky face that sat right beside it proved your theory.

"I can't believe her," you mumbled, handing the list back to Peter, who shrugged as you pushed the cart further down the seemingly never ending aisle, the shelves and shelves of household items looming over you.

You picked up the paprika, plopping it into your cart as you made your way further down, you couldn't believe that Natasha had just blatantly put that on the list, what, after you had so embarrassingly got her a whip two weeks ago, your words fumbling as you tried so damn hard to explain to the cashier at the front counter about why, oh just why you needed a whip so badly, and let's just say, she didn't buy the "my friend told me to get it" explanation, not one bit and you had to walk out of the mall bearing the judgmental look she shot you as you left.

And here's to the second time, you knew her and Bucky had been fooling around, but it wasn't as if they had back to back missions now, in fact the team were as free as birds, they were either stuck watching movies or in Bucky and Steve's case, the real housewives of Beverly hills, something they had been way too invested in after Sam had so proudly introduced to them, you would never have thought that the very men that had taken down dangerous forces would be in the main hall, seated on the leather couches and watching that darn reality show.

Then it hit you and you groaned internally when you realised just why Nat had done this.

Just a week ago, you had divulged what was your greatest secret, something that you hadn't told anyone at all, and that included your dad because if dad knew you had a huge crush on the very brunette that stood beside you, yes, the one with brown eyes and a boyish, irresistible smile, Tony would do anything to pull you away from him, because according to him, you were not dating anyone till you were a senior which you were now and he had unsurprisingly changed that rule to something along the lines of wouldn't it be better to be a cat lady, it's not so bad right Banner? He had asked Bruce who had shot you a sheepish look before shrugging.

And all of this was Natasha's grand plan of embarrassing you greatly in front of Peter who was also your best friend, who was also your chemistry partner who was also your study partner, sure, nothing could go wrong right?



"I said sausages, you want the sausage, right?"

"Pete, what makes you think I want the sausage?" you asked, trying your very best to keep your face straight as you looked towards your best friend, trying to pretend that he hadn't said what he had just said or what you thought he had just said, it was hard keeping your mind out of the gutter and as much as you wished that your thoughts wouldn't go where you want them to go, they did, and you ended up thinking a little too much about whatever that was below Peter's waist and you had to tear your eyes from it.

You knew that feeling all too well, because just yesterday being well, you had burst into Peter's room, all ready for him to test you for the chemistry test the following week, you had painfully memorized each and every concept, and the second you had a foot in, you were faced with your best friend, dripping wet and white towel wrapped around his hips so low that it practically left nothing to the imagination, you had never seen your best friend shirtless and there you stood, eyes wide in shock, he had carved abs and biceps that looked as though they had been carved by gods themselves.

It took a good ten seconds for you to recover, and for you to mumble a stuttering apology, despite Peter telling you it was fine, you ended up leaving his room, heart racing in your chest as you tried to get that image of the brunette out from your mind for the rest of the day, which was well, impossible because later that afternoon, Peter had popped by to test you, and let's just say that you didn't do exceptionally well.

"Don't you want it?" Peter asked, a little too innocently, almost as if he had no idea at all how wrong that's sentence, in fact how wrong this conversation sounded.

"I-I, well, you know," you started, trying to link your words together, and yet all you could do was stare at him, the way his shirt seemed a little too well fitted that his biceps showed through, and the way he swallowed, his adam's apple bobbing as he did just pushed you to think of all the wrong things.

"(Y/n), the sausages are right there," Peter said, pointing the aisle behind you, you turned and almost heaved a huge sigh of relief when you realised that the brunette was talking about the long line of grilled packeted wieners that stood behind you.

"You okay?" Peter continued, a look of worry painted on his face as you simply nodded, your cheeks heating up as you grabbed the packet, mentally scolding yourself as you tossed it into the now shaky trolley.

"Let me help," Peter said, boyish smile on his face as he took over, his warm hand brushing overs yours gently, as he gripped the handles, walking towards the next aisle.

Peter bit back a smile, remembering just how flustered you were just a minute ago, it wasn't a secret that he had a crush on you, scratch that, he had loved you for a good eight months, refusing to make a move, afraid to make his move or shoot his shot or whatever Natasha had called it, afraid to end up ruining the friendship he had with you.

The redhead had however, insisted that you liked him too, he hadn't believed it, but now he did, the way you had mumbled, your nose scrunching up when you were embarrassed, the small smile that you had on your face when he talked to you or the way your eyes lit up whenever you saw him all made sense now, and as he made his way to the aisle that read, "family planning," in bold, he made a mental note to thank Natasha

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