Snapping The Fingers Again

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*This chapter is dedicated to 1-800-GOD who is ninja when it comes to reading my story lol*

*This chapter is dedicated to 1-800-GOD who is ninja when it comes to reading my story lol*

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Zariah, Tony, Steve, Bruce and Thor were sitting by the lake for a few minutes. Nat's absence weigh heavy on their hearts. "Do we know if she had family?" Tony asked not thinking. "Yeah... Us.." Zariah said softly looking at him. Her eyes red from all the tears that she has cried. "Why are you doing that?" Thor turned to Tony. "I'm just asking a question- "as Thor cut him off "Why are we talking as if she's dead? We have the stones. Bring her back. Come on, stop this shit" Thor was pissed off.

Clint wiped some tears from his face "We can't get her back..." Thor looked at him in confusion "What's he talking about? Of course, we can!" Zariah shook her head at Thor as she spoke up "It cannot be undone. The soul stone required a sacrifice.. it makes sense. Gamora didn't come back with Thanos.. He used her.. Nat sacrificed herself for that damn stone Thor. She's not coming back" she said in anger that her eyes were flashing purple before Tony came over behind her pulling her into a hug. Hulk hurls the bench into the water angry "She's not coming back but we have to make it worth it. We have to."

*Time Skip To Testing The Gauntlet*

Zariah, Tony, Steve, Clint, Thor, Bruce, Rocket, Rhodey and Scott were all standing in a circle around the new gauntlet Tony created; all stones in place. "All right, the glove's ready so who's going to snap their fingers?" Rocket said being very eager to get this done. "It's a gauntlet Rocket, not a glove" Zariah said to him with a chuckle.

Thor stepped forward "I'll do it." This shocked Zariah but she shook her head "No Thor.." She said softly as he turned to her "Excuse me?" There was a bunch of protests speaking up now as Steve spoke up "Wait, wait. Thor, just wait. We haven't decided who's gonna put that thing on yet." He said holding a hand up.

"I'm sorry, what, we're just sitting here around waiting for the right opportunity?" He retorted hatefully. He wanted to fix it all. "We should at least discuss it" Scott chimed in. Thor started getting frustrated as tears filled his eyes "Just let me!" Zariah quickly ran over to him holding him back placing her hands on his face; trying to calm him down "Thor, listen to me, the gauntlet will channel enough energy to power an entire realm, You are in no condition to handle it" she said as sweetly as possible as Tony nodded at him; agreeing "She's right Thor..."

"What do you- what do you think is coursing through my veins right now?" Thor asked in confusion as he started to simmer down a bit thanks to Zariah before Rhodey spoke up "Cheez Whiz?" which earned him a hateful glare from Zariah. "Lightning" Thor retorted.

"Lighting won't help you pal. It's gotta be me or Zariah." Bruce said as he continued "Which I would prefer it to be me. No offense to what Strange has told you, Zariah but I don't think I could handle it if something happened to you and Calista loses her mother too." The goddess went to protest as she nodded at him.

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