You're Alive?!

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*So I have had some people wondering about Frigga, so i decided, in a backstory which will be explained, Odin did die and Frigga died by Hela's hand (screw it) I wanted it to where both were alive but it isn't gonna happen. But it'll be explained. HERE WE GO*

*Grandmaster's VIP box*

Loki wanted to speak to the maiden he met, there was something familiar about her, but he couldn't see what she looked like fully with the mask on. The Grandmaster noticing him in deep thought "Quite the beauty, isn't she?" he asked Loki.

He looked at him and nods "Yes, quite. I wish to speak to her more. Do you think I am able to speak with her?" the Grandmaster just laughs a bit and nods "Yeah of course. Topaz? Can you take our guest to meet Dahlia please? I am sure she won't mind." The bodyguard nods as Loki follows her to Zariah's room.

*Zariah's room*

She was on the balcony, still wearing her dress but she took the mask off. She was in deep thought trying to figure out how Loki was alive, how long has he been alive, and why didn't he look for her? So many questions ran through her head and all she could do was cry. She was angry... she was hurt and all she wanted to do was punch him in the face. Her thoughts went to Thor, he mourned with her, does he know Loki is alive? She started to get more upset, as her purple aura started to appear on her arms. She started to sing softly to herself to calm her down:

Lavender's green, dilly, dilly
Lavender's blue
If you love me, dilly, dilly
I will love you
Let the birds sing, dilly dilly
Let the lambs play
We shall be safe, dilly, dilly
Out of harm's way

Unknowns to her, Topaz already brought Loki to her room, Zariah didn't answer the door so Topaz overridden the door letting him in. He walked in the room as he could hear her singing softly from the balcony. He stood there for a moment and watched her; his heart swelled up seeing that it was his Zariah. He could tell how hurt she was, seeing the tears fall down her face. He knows he hurt her and was ready for anything she may throw at him.

"Zariah..." He called softly to her. She tensed up by the sound of his voice, not looking at him, still angry but she still responded "You're alive...." She whispers in disbelief. Loki took a few more steps towards her but not too close "Yes..."

She scoffed at him as she turned around to look at him "How long..." her eyes were filled with anger and tears; he's never seen her this way. He really did break her heart. "The whole time... I used an illusion in the dark world. But I did it for good reasons I promise you..." He says as he goes to reach for her hands which she refused as she stepped back from him.

Zariah was angry in more ways than one, her eyes started to glow slightly purple and Loki could see this "Please Zariah, listen to me love." She materialized her sword knocking Loki to the ground with the sword to his throat. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now for what you did to me! I mourned you! I mourned you to this day and did my best to move on from you! And all this?! Was a joke to you?!" She screamed at him, she didn't care she was still wearing a dress, she would kick his ass in a dress, she was livid at him and he knew this.

All Loki could do was stare in awe at her; she hasn't changed at all. She was still the same beautiful woman he fell in love with but he knew he hurt her. He placed a hand on hers, pushing the sword away from his throat "Please.... I didn't mean to hurt you... I was trying to protect you... I missed you so much... I didn't even know you were here..." he explained softly to her.

She stared at him for a moment, she still felt pulled to him like always, the stupid soulmate bond she thought and how she hated it at the moment; but he was alive, living and breathing in front of her. She missed him. She missed his sarcastic remarks, his charm, his smile, those eyes that would burn holes into her very soul. She made her sword disappear as she got up from him, allowing him to get up. "I can't forgive you... I won't... you have no idea what I have been through this whole time since you were gone." Tears spilled out from her eyes. She couldn't be angry anymore. It was hard to.

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