He turned into a baby?! Melted Ice Cream...

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*Time Skip a few days at the Avengers Compound*

Planning the 'time heist' after finding Bruce was no easy task, the first test run was upon the group as Scott got suited up in his Ant-Man gear and was stood in front of the van, Bruce stood behind a console which controlled the time machine while Zariah, Nat and Steve stood nearby watching. As per Tony's request, Zariah let him know about the test run and was told that it would be 'incredibly stupid to do' but they proceeded anyways.

Steve and Zariah had been tasked with managing the back up system in case something went horrible wrong and Zariah can put a barrier up in case something explodes. They didn't want to think about what might happen so they kept high hopes. "Okay, here we go. Time travel test number one. Scott, fire up the, uhh.... The van..." Bruce instructed. Scott did something to make the van power up and he put his helmet on. "Breakers are set..." Steve said as Zariah checked her side "Emergency generators are on standby!" she said loudly over the noise the van was making.

"Good, because if we blow the grid, I don't wanna lose tiny here in the nineteen fifties" Bruce joked as Zariah looked at him in a panic "Bruce..."

"Excuse me?" Scott asked, suddenly and in the process losing his confidence. Nat spoke up loudly to Scott "He's kidding!" she said with a smile. "Bruce you cannot say things like that... a lot of us are having a lot of hope right now.." Zariah said to Bruce as he looked down a bit and muttered "It was a bad joke... I'm sorry..." She nodded.

Scott puts on his helmet, slightly dubious. Bruce continued "Okay. I'm going to send you back one week, give you an hour to look around, then bring you back in ten seconds. Make sense?" Scott nodded "Perfectly not confusing."

Steve looked at Scott "Good luck, Scott

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Steve looked at Scott "Good luck, Scott. You've got this. "Scott with sense of inspiration now "Yes, I do, Captain America. Yes, I- "Bruce presses a button and Scott disappeared into the Quantum Realm. They all watched the space that was now empty in anticipation and hope. Bruce then started to countdown "Three, two, one..."

Scott reappeared but they realized something was wrong. Scott was almost a teenager "Uh, guys? This doesn't feel right" Teenage Scott said. Zariah looked to Bruce "What is this? What's going on?" she asked with a face of shock. "That.... Who is that?!" Nat asked as she grabbed Bruce's arm in a panic. "Is that Scott?" Steve asked in almost distress. "Yes it's Scott!" the teen screamed before getting sucked back into the Quantum and then seconds later an old man reappeared wearing the suit.

"Ow, my back!" Scott said in pain. "What is this?" Steve asked. Nat was freaking out as Zariah was starting to "Can you bring him back?!" The goddess exclaimed. "I'm working on it!" Bruce stated, before pressing more buttons, making Scott disappear again as then he reemerged as a baby.

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