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After a couple of hours, Zariah finally woke back up; Thor still by her side asleep in a chair. The lights blinded her a bit as she looked around; then reality hit.. He was gone... Loki was really gone. She started to cry again which in turn woke Thor up "Zari..." He quickly grabs her hand with a concerned look on his face "It's okay.." She tried to stifle her tears about to no avail "Thor.... He's really...gone... isn't he?" she asked softly with tears falling.

Thor's heart clenched; he's never experienced losing his soulmate even though Jane is mortal. "I'm sorry Zari... it will be alright. You have me and the Avengers." Thor said as he caressed her cheek softly. In return she smiled slightly "I'm glad you're my family Thor. You're like a big brother I never had..." This made Thor smile as he stood up "Let's go see the others." Zariah sat up and nodded at him taking his hand.

*Time Skip to the Conference Room*

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*Time Skip to the Conference Room*

In the room; Natasha, Steve, Bruce, Tony, Pepper, Nebula, Rhodey, the woman that rescued them and a strange raccoon that Zariah never met before. Tony was hooked up to iv; looking a bit better than he did before. Zariah took a seat as Thor took one next to her, still holding her hand for comfort. Zariah looked at Tony as he nodded to her as if saying "I'm okay" then she looked to Nebula "Are you okay Nebula?" She nodded softly giving her a soft smile. Tony spoke up "You okay Zariah?" the goddess nodded at him with a small smile.

At the front of the room, the holographic screen was on with the casualty report listing with the names and faces of people who have disappeared due to Thanos. There were thousands of them and it was still counting. Loki's face came across the screen as Thor looked at Zariah; who had tears in her eyes. He moved to wrap his arm around her holding her close in comfort.

Natasha looked at Zariah with a sad smile as she spoke "We heard what happened Zari

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Natasha looked at Zariah with a sad smile as she spoke "We heard what happened Zari... We are so sorry... We've lost a lot on our end too..." Zariah looked at her "Who else?" Steve sighed "Wanda, Vision, T'Challa, ..... Bucky..." he said sadly. "Where's Clint?" She asked and Natasha quickly responded "He's okay... but his whole family is gone, he's off the grid.." Zariah nodded a bit as she looked back at the screen. So many people; Women, Child and Men alike. "So, it's been 23 days since Thanos came to Earth." Rhodey spoke up as he was standing by Tony. "World governments are in pieces. The parts that are still working are trying to take a census. And it looks like he did...exactly what he said he was going to do. Thanos wiped 50% of all living creatures." Nat said in a grim tone.

Stand In The Light (Soulmates) Loki-FanficWhere stories live. Discover now