Powers Unleashed

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*long chapter ahead. Sorry for the delay in the update on this.*

After a while, everyone started to wake up, groggily; Zariah found herself in a chair, She looked around then her eyes moved to Thor and Val. "Everyone okay?" He nodded his head as he moved back to the window. Zariah got up; and what she sees breaks her heart.

She moved to the window as her eyes widened considerably as a floating rock appeared before them "Oh my Valhalla...." Everyone else looked on as Thor spoke up "Asgard..." Val looked over the landscape as she felt overwhelmed "I never thought I would be back here." Zariah looked to her and grabbed her hand holding it tightly giving her a reassuring smile.

"I thought it would be a lot nicer" Bruce chimed in as he stood from his seat "I mean, not that it's not nice. It's just that, it's on fire." He finished. A projected map on the console shows the mountain where the stronghold is located. There is a red dot in the mountain indicating where the Asgardian citizens are. "Heat signatures. People clustered together. Hela's coming for them." Val said with a concerned tone.

Zariah stepped forward looking at the map; her heart clenched at the thought of more innocents dying. Thor spoke up with a face of determination "Okay, drop me off at the palace, I'll draw her away." Zariah's face widened "Are you crazy?! You can't handle her alone!" Thor smiled at her and placed a hand on her shoulder "Zari, I have to. You must help Heimdall." He said with determination. All she could do was nod.

As they pull up to the palace, Zariah and Val set an Asgardian gun onto the ship, Zariah moved to join Bruce to the front as Thor and Val were speaking. After a few moments, Val appears in a white and gold Valkyrie armor; which was a gift from Thor. Zariah turned to see her friend and she smiled at her; Val radiated brightly as she smiled back "You look beautiful." Zariah said as she walked closer to her. "A true Valkyrie.... Brunnhilde..." Val's eyes widen at her real name being used and she pulled Zariah into a hug. "Let's go kick that bitch's ass." Val said with a smug look on her face.

Zariah moved to gaze out the window as she could see the mass of people below "Oh my..... There's gotta be hundreds of them down there" Bruce said, leaning forward. "We're going to need a bigger ship..." Zariah said in frustration as she ran her hand through her hair as her eyes widen from a sight. Bruce did a double-take as he spoke "Are you seeing what I'm seeing guys?"

Zariah could see Heimdall with the citizens on the bi-frost bridge as a large wolf like creature blocked the way, ready to attack the citizens. "Take me there... Brunnhilde, fire!" She nodded at Zariah as she began firing and Bruce steering as best as he could. Zariah heads to the hatch as she salutes the two and jumps out.

*Rainbow Bridge*

Heimdall leads the refugees out onto the bridge to escape Hela and Asgard itself but he sensed something causing him to stop which in turn caused the people to stop as well. At the far end of the bridge was a large wolf named Fenris; the massive war wolf was blocking the path to the observatory. "Go back!" Heimdall cried out as the citizens started to retreat with Fenris starting his charge. The Commodore swoops in and starts firing at the wolf which caused him to stop. Just then Heimdall saw a figure fly out of the ship and landed between them and the wolf.

 Just then Heimdall saw a figure fly out of the ship and landed between them and the wolf

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