Arriving to Asgard..

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As Zariah made her way back to her and Nina's apartment, she could see the destruction of what the Chitauri left. It brought her thoughts back to Loki, why did she feel such sympathy for him. She then thought about the soulmates notion, why would someone like him be my soulmate? I don't understand... she thought.

She finally reached her apartment to find Nina not home, she decides to use the house phone they have to give her a call to make sure she was safe

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She finally reached her apartment to find Nina not home, she decides to use the house phone they have to give her a call to make sure she was safe. Nina wanted to show her how to use a cellphone but Zariah was not having it, she was content with the simplicity. The phone rang a couple times before her friend finally picked up screaming in the phone "Zari!!!! Oh my God! I have been worried sick! Are you alright?"

The goddess couldn't help but giggle at her friend, her friend was always overexaggerated when it came to her safety. "Yes Nina, I am perfectly fine. I am actually wondering where you are."

Nina goes on about how she wanted to be with her soulmate after the whole alien invasion for a little while, as she continued, Zariah uses her powers to give energy to the plants that are spread around their apartment, making them greener and the flowers much brighter than before. 

Her friend continues as Zariah interjects; "Well I have some things to tell you, I met another god from a realm like mine, Thor, and apparently the one that was trying to take over Earth was his brother, which is terrifying itself. I also met the Avengers as well. After everything was over with, I was invited to become an Avenger and I agreed. I also think I may go back home to Alfheim to see my father. I have questions for him."

"HOLY SHIT Z!" Nina exclaimed "That's fantastic! You must have kicked serious ass to be invited to be an Avenger!" Zariah laughed as she replied; "I guess I did. What's greater is that they were afraid of my powers like I thought people would be. It was refreshing."

Her friend chuckled through the phone at what the goddess said "Zari... you should not be afraid to show who you truly are... you are a goddess... beautiful inside and out... So what if you have powers?! You use those powers to help, not destroy." Zariah just smiled as she heard her friend ramble on about how amazing she is.

"Well, I think I am going to go back home for a bit, now remember time is different there so it may be a while before I come back but I will come back, I promise. You are the greatest friend I could ever ask for here." The goddess told her friend as she wiped a small tear from her eye.

"Zari... you are my best friend... nothing will change that... just be safe and you come back whenever you need to. I'll be just fine. You always have a place with me babe. I gotta go, Nicky is calling me from downstairs."

"Alright, be safe and we will see each other soon Nina." She stated as she hung up the phone as she steps onto their flowered balcony overlooking the city. 

Stand In The Light (Soulmates) Loki-FanficWhere stories live. Discover now