The Battle Of New York

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"Who are you?" the captain asked as he looked at the goddess head to toe examining her as she was carrying an elegant yet ancient sword covered in dirt and grime from fighting but yet it did not hide her beauty.

The goddess stopped about 4 feet from the group, as she looked on the group "My name is Zariah, I do believe stories and introductions can come later after we handle this." She stated bluntly as she sliced through a Chitauri. "I'm Steve Rogers.' The captain stated as he knocked back a soldier.

"Works for me!" Hawkeye exclaimed as he readied his bow again taking fire. The group get to the middle of a four- way street when suddenly, a deep, primal rage echoed through the city. With that roar, a shadow passes over them and from that portal a large Chitauri monster flies out, this monster is carrying hundreds more of soldiers dropping them as it passes over the group.

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As they looked up to the flying creature, "What in the hell is that thing?!" Black Widow asked. The goddess recognized that creatures from stories she read back in Alfheim and what destruction they can cause.

"A leviathan. A carrier. It's their warship. I read stories as a child in my realm." Zariah replied as it rode past the group, side crashing into buildings as the soldiers began firing from their energy rifles at innocent people.

"Stark, come in, are you seeing this?" Captain America asked.

"I'm seeing, and I'm still trying to believe it. Where's Banner? Has he shown up on the radar yet?" Stark stated as he flew next to the leviathan.

"Banner?" he replied, he had not seen the Hulk since Loki had escaped from the carrier. "Just keep me posted." Stark said. "Alright JARVIS, find me a soft spot." Commands his AI as he quietly flies behind and parallel with the leviathan.

The group makes quick work of the monsters' surroundings them

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The group makes quick work of the monsters' surroundings them. They hear more explosions and as they look up, they see Loki taking a flying chariot down the street; firing at the street, smashing cars and hurling people as the explosions go off in one final conflagration. Zariah in the process runs forward creating a strong purple barrier around some civilians from getting hurt, in the process of fighting the soldiers that come towards her, as she made quick work of them, she yells at the civilians to run.

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