Nightmares Again..

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*Long chapter warning*

After heading toward a salvage yard off the coast of Africa, the Avengers quickly got ready for the upcoming battle as the Quinjet landed. Splitting up, Tony, Steve, Thor and Zariah grouped together, she was standing between Thor and Steve as they could hear the robotic mumbling of Ultron as he ranted his hatred for Tony. "It's a thing with me. Stark is... He's a sickness." He looks at Zariah "You know this child..." Before she would answer Tony cut her off "Aw, junior. You're going to break your old man's heart." Tony said taunting him a bit.

They noticed the two enhanced, Wanda and Pietro, were by his side "Ah, yes

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They noticed the two enhanced, Wanda and Pietro, were by his side "Ah, yes. He's funny, Mr. Stark." Pietro speaking up. "You two can still walk away from this." Steve added, assuring the twins that they could live normal lives. "Oh, we will." Wanda replied before smiling sinisterly.

"I know you suffered." Steve continued in an attempt to get the twins onto their side but was quickly cut off by Ultron, scoffing in his attempts before laughing a bit. "Captain America. God's righteous man. Pretending you could live without a war." Ultron mocked Steve hitting a nerve. Zariah saw this before placing a hand on his arm. "Do not listen to him..." she warned.

"Oh, but please do listen." He mocked more before addressing her "Zariah, or should I say Princess Zariah of Alfheim. Daughter of the god Freyr. Nothing but a broken princess far from her kingdom. Killing your mother instantly when you were born. So tragic. You have no idea how special you are. And yet you waste yourself with these so-called Avengers. So much power that you refuse to use. Tell me... how many more loved ones do you have to lose, in order for you to use those powers to destroy...?" 

Zariah stepped back a little hearing this, Thor steps up pulling her behind him "If you believe in peace, then let us keep it." He stated knowing Ultron overstepped his boundary with his friend. 

"I think you are confusing 'peace' with 'quiet'." Ultron replied. With getting fed up of the taunting, Tony steps up "Uhuh. What's the vibranium for?"

"I'm glad you asked that because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan." Ultron said, moving his hand before extending it causing magnets to react with Tony's suit and pushed him back into the steel door of the cargo ship. As Thor, Steve was attacked by bots, Zariah advanced on Pietro with her powers, blasting him with fire which was becoming a failure. "Your powers of fire are useless right now." He said as he slowed down speaking to her and then smirking as he sped off. Zariah to attack the bots, overheating them with her fire as Steve called her over, standing over a dazed Pietro on the ground. "Keep an eye on the kid." She nods as she made sparks appear in her hands as she hovered over him.

In a short moment, Zariah was knocked back by a burst of red aura which came from Wanda, knocking her into a wall. Her body was surrounded by red mist as she watched the twins disappear. When she finally got up, she noticed her surroundings changed, she was on the ground, it wasn't a real ground but a ground that was covered in dark grey soot. She realized it was the dark world, she slowly got up and felt her feet sticking the ground, she looked down and saw blood surrounding her. She started to shake and took a look around her.

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