Chapter 11: "I'll be with you until the end"

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We came back inside a shortly after that.

Me and Aidan were getting the living room set up because he was gonna sleep here with me in living room, so I won't be lonely.
I was taking the couch and he said he was gonna take the floor
"Are you sure you wanna sleep on the floor, you can go to your room and sleep on your bed, I'm fine alone here", I said looking down at him at the floor.
"Don't worry about me, I'm fine here" he said chuckling.
I threw a pillow at him.
"Of course I'm gonna worry about you", I said giggling.
He threw the pillow back at me chuckling.

The next day we both went to our works, and on Aidan's break I came out of work. I came to the set, bringing him some snacks so he would have something to keep him going. I waited in front of his trailer, holding the stuff my backpack . I was waiting patiently, when suddenly someone picked me up by my waist and spun me around. I knew exactly who it was.
"Aidannnnnn", I said laughing.
He eventually put me down and snatched the bag.
"What's this you got here y/n", he said digging in my backpack.
"I got snacks for you, they should be in there", I said pointing inside my bag.
He started digging more and eventually found a granola bar.

We got out of the store and started drinking our slushies, we were talking until we bumped into a group of guys.
All of my drink spilled all over me and I gasped because it was really cold.  Aidan started helping me clean myself up, the group of guys started laughing at me. I eventually noticed the guys faces and was in shock.
No ones POV

"HEY!!! GIVE IT BACK!!!", y/n yelled as a group of boys were tossing her backpack around.
She was walking back to her house when a group of boys decided to pull a prank on her.
She was crying the whole time, just trying to grab her bag.  She accidentally tripped on one of the boys and fell on top of him.
"GET THE HELL OFF ME YOU FREAK", the boy yelled as he punched her in the face.
She fell on her as the boy kept on kicking her as she was crying. The boys cheered the boy on until a elder women yelled at them.
The boys ran away which left y/n still on the floor.
She quickly got up and grabbed her backpack and started running back to her home

~few months later~
Y/n was walking in the hallways when someone pushed her against the lockers.
"Hey baby girl", the boy said as he sniffed her neck.
"Get the hell off me", y/n said pushing the boy off her.

She quickly walked fast avoiding everyone.
"YOUR LUCKY THIS TIME!!!", she heard the boy yell.
~end of flashback~
As y/n stayed in shock, the boys were already starting to flirt with her.
"Oh my god, it's y/n!!! You came looking for me baby", he said grabbing y/n by the waist.
"Let go of me you perv!!!", he said hitting him on his chest.
Aidan was shocked and grabbed y/n. He defensively  blocking y/n away from the boys.
"Get the hell out of the way kid", the boy said pushing Aidan.
"Yea that's not happening",  Aidan said looking straight into the boys eyes.
They were both making eye contact, looking as if they were gonna fight or something.  Aidan breaks the eye contact and looks at y/n, he looks back at the boy.
" look, I don't wanna start anything okay...just leave us alone" he said holding my y/n's hand.
Aidan walked away with y/n while the boy kept on glaring at him.

Aidan's POV
As we came inside y/n's house she started glaring at me.
"Is there something you wanted to tell me y/n", I said putting our stuff down on the table.
"Aidan why did you go in like that, it wasn't your problem, you could've gotten hurt!!!", she said crossing her arms.
"Your right...", I said looking at her.
She looked at me confused.
"I shouldn't have gotten in like that, maybe I should've just left, and let them do whatever they wanted with you and act like it never happened", I said looking at her, crossing my arms.
She just looked down.
I walked up to her and lifted her chin up. I looked straight in her y/e/c (your eye color) eyes. She looked in my eyes as well.
" I would never do that to you y/n, your my best friend... and I want to keep you safe", I said hugging her by the waist.
She hugged me back, her face on my chest.
" i'll be with you until the end"

Besties | ᴀɪᴅᴀɴ ɢᴀʟʟᴀɢʜᴇʀTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon