we love you

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It was the next day I woke up lying in bed as it was a Saturday.  I then got a message from ava and Grace asking if I wanted to go to the park with  them.  I simply put a thumbs up and got outta bed and got dressed while Jordan was still asleep. Cory was awake and sitting on the sofa with a cup off tea in his hand .
" alright " he asked in his normal voice. 
" ye " I replied
"I'm going down the park with Grace and ava so won't be back until like 5 " I said
" ok have fun "
" cya " I said as I walked out the door . As I was walking to the park with Grace and ava . We noticed a man that had started to follow us , we kept our heads down until we started to run and he chased after us .
" hello you pretty girls do you wanna come back to mine " he said chasing after us . I got my phone out and texted Jordan and Cory saying code blue as it was our code word if we needed help .

Mad🤠🖐: code blue .
                                      Jordan 😎: omw 
                                      With Cory .

Cory: where abt.

Mad🖐🤠: round by the shop

" ok there coming if texted Jordan and Cory and there om their way " I said to the girls . The man pinned me up to a wall and tryed yo take off my clothes .
" GET THE HELL OFF ME " I screamed as tears fell down my cheek.  I saw Jordan on us I bike while Cory was running behind him . Jordan grabbed him by his collar and have him to Cory while he gave me a hug while all my mascara am and come down my face . He let go and gave my friends a hug each and then me and my friends all done a group hug.  Cory called the police on him and the police took him away . We all walked hime except Jordan as he rode his bike back , I let Grace and ava stay the night and we all agreed. Not to tell anyone what happened that day we all went into the living room and watched films until I fell asleep on Jordan's shoulder I felt someone take me up to bed and tucked me in .

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