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I got changed into my p.e kit then i got a text from Cory ,
' football try outs are today u coming ❤ ' 
football was about to begin but alya pushed me over causing me to fall over  I got back up and yanked her hair , everyone crowded around us Mr Simpson went to go get miss cater , " fight fight , fight " everyone said . Riz grabbed alya and Jordan and cory grabbed me . They took me to the medical room to get me checked out as I was covered in bruises .
" what happened out there mads " Cory said
" alya pushed me over " I said " then i sort of lost it "

miss Carter walked in and looked disappointed. 
" I've called your dad maddie and he's coming to get you " .
I turned to the boys they looked back at me as they grabbed my hands as tears filled my eyes .
" Miss Carter can we talk to maddie alone please " asked Cory
" yes of course I'll go get her stuff " she walked off .
I turned and hugged Jordan as he heard me scream into his shoulder . He stroked my hair back and gave me a kiss on the cheek .
" shhhh everything's gonna be alright face time us if he's done anything to you " he said . I turned to Cory and gave him a him a hug and screamed a little louder as he stroked my hair back he said .
" maddie we love you to bits ok " .
A couple of minutes later miss Carter came back and said that my dad was here I gave the boys a kiss on the cheek . Dad came into the room and dragged me by the arm and put me in the car , it was a silent the way home he put me in the living .
" why did the school call me what were you thinking getting into a fight " he said as he hit me with the belt .
" now go to your room " he said .
I did as I was told .

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