♡-Chapter 11-♡

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Y/n's POV:

I was in the hospital for tow weeks now and I haven't seen Bakugo come in to see me in the hospital. Only Mina, Shinso and my sister. But one day my sister came in my hospital room and gave me a note.

"Hey y/n... Bakugo came by" "what really?! Where is he??" I said in excitement." Um he just left... Here" she gave me a note that said *Y/n* on it and when I opened it I couldn't believe what I read.

"Dear y/n,
I'm sorry that I didn't come visit you at the hospital but I was kinda kidnapped by the villains that attacked the training camp. But also the reason I couldn't come visit you was because you couldn't face you like that. I broke your heart and I can't forgive myself for that. And for that I'm sorry. And I didn't get the chance to say I love you that day on our last date because I  ruined it. And I know that you think you broke my heart but you didn't I did and don't blame yourself for that. And I guess you heard that UA will be making dorms and it will be more hard for me so avoid you because I still blame myself for making you cry. Even though we are not together I still love you and it pains me for me to avoid you but I have to. I'm sorry -Bakugo"

I broke down crying when I read the note." He blames himself" I said to myself. My sister came into my hospital room and gave me a hug. He loves me but he can't be with me because he broke my heart...

Days went by and my mom would come in a couple times to see me but my sister wouldn't let her in. But one day my sister let my hospital door open and I heard their argument.

"I what to see my daughter" "and like I said no. She does not want to see you and I don't want you near her or me" " but Im her mother and your mother too!" I heard my mom's voice get more irritated and angry.

" If you want to be a mother then you'll do the right think and leave us alone." My sister said and a more angry voice." I know I wasn't the best mom in the past and I know I have let your father-"

" DO NOT SAY HIS NAME. NEVER BRING UP HIS NAME."  My sister said in a harsh voice. And I knew the reason why she was angry. My mother did nothing when my father released his anger out to me and my sister.

I mean I didn't blame her for being angry with her. After their argument from all I can remember I became a pro hero. But I couldn't forget Bakugo... His smile his face and everything about him.

I just couldn't get over him.

-Time skip 6 year's later your 22-

"( Hero name) you ready??" "Yeah just need to take care of something" I was walking down a hallway with red lights flashing and the same think say over and over on the intercom." Intruder in the building intruder in the building."

Tow villains blocked the hallway and the attacked. I dodged the attack and opened my water bottle and made a spear out of the water using my qurik and attacking the other villain coming at me.

It went through the villains head killing and I broke the other villains neck. I ran into a control room and opening the cages releasing all the hostages and calling the rest of the heroes to help the hostages escape.

I finished the mission and went back to headquarters and got Heald for my wounds." God that mission was hard" I signed." You can say that again" said Denki. I got undressed out of my hero costume and went back home to my apartment.

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