♡-Chapter 8-♡

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Y/n's POV:

"What do you mean by 'mom' y/n?" I turned to look at her and her eyes widen." Y/n cane you go upstairs??" I did what my sister told me but I stayed by the stairwells to hear what she was saying.

"What are you doing here??" My sister said in a firm voice I can tell she was angry." I came here to see my daughter's, I know I have been I bad mother in the past-" "correct."

It went silent for a moment before my mom could say anything else." I have went to rehab and I'm a new person, I just want to see how my tow string daughter's have grown." "You need to leave. Now!"

My sister's voice grew louder and more firm. I can see her griping the side of the door almost breaking it." Please let me see y/n and you.." I scoffed and rolled my.

"Please... You know I love you both" "if you loved us then why treat us like we didn't matter??"  It went silent again.. My mom was hesitant to say anything.." I was on a lot of substance back then but I've changed I lot"

Before my mom could say anything my sister slammed the door into her face. I got up and walked downstairs to check up on my sister. Before me and my sister left out old house my older sister went through hell and most of the time she dose not talk about it.

"Hey are you okay??" My sister turned and came up to me and gave me a hug." She's gone, I promise you..." I hugged her back and I felt my eyes well up." I know, love you..." " I love you too.." me and my sister went back into the living room and started to watch a movie. I heard a notification on my phone and it was Mina

Mina: heyy gurl 😩

Y/n: heyy😏

Mina: wyd??

Y/n: watching a movie with my sister

Y/n: hbu??

Mina: nothing I'm bored🤕

Y/n: want me to come over??

Mina: yeah😤😩

"Hey is it okay if I go to Mina's for a bit??" "Yeah it's okay" I gave my sister a kiss on the cheek and went out. I was walking to Mina's house and I saw a black car pass by." Oh no" I said. It was that one weird paparazzi that likes following my sister around.

"Hey! Hey! Y/n L/n can I get a picture??" I shook my head and kept on walkimg. But the paparazzi kept on talking pictures. I made it to Mama's house and she pulled me in." God I hate that paparazzi" Mina chuckled and we went up to her room.

I flopped on her bed and she brought out her snacks and her laptop to watch a movie." Hey so how are you and Bakugo??" I sighed  while eating chips." Uh oh what happened??" " Nothing nothing it just it feels like he dose not trust me..."

"What makes you say that??" I told her everything about what happened last week and my friendship with Shinso. She comforted me and we continued on watching a movie.

I checked the time on my phone and it was 10:00 pm." Hey Mina is it okay if I go home??" "Sure! Do you want me to walk with you??"I shook my head and I got out and went home. I walked out and called my sister.

"Hey sis I'll be heading home right now." "Okay get home safe" I checked a little "okay I will bye" "bye" I was walking back home and I had a weird gut feeling like someone was behind me.

While walking I heard footsteps behind me. The footsteps getting close and my back felt cold. The sidewalk was dark and cold... I walked more faster and the footsteps got faster Everytime I walked faster and faster.

What footsteps got louder and louder then a felt a hand on my shoulder. My breath went cold. I grabbed the wrist of the person behind me and my grip got more tight and I swang the person over me and they landed on the ground.

I heard I slight grunt and it was a female voice. I got closer and I could make out who they were." Mom?? What are you doing here??" My mom got up form the sidewalk and wiped off some dust off of her." I was following you..."

I felt my blood boil in anger." Why were you following me??" She couldn't even make eye contact with me while talking to me." I just wanted to see you..." She got closer and closer, I took a step back but she was already close enough that I can feel her breath.

"Y/n... My lovely child... You're all grown up" she smiled and cupped my left cheek. I took a step back with anger when she said those words." Look.. I have to go" before I could take another step she grabbed my hand.

"No wait! I'm sorry y/n I'm really am. I want to be your mother again... I have changed a lot through out the years and I just want to see you and your sister..." I couldn't even look at her when she said that.

"If you really want to be a loving parent you stay away form me and S/n (sister's name).." I spread out my wings and flew my way home. I opened the front door and I saw my sister in the kitchen making a snack.

"Hey! Your back" I nodded and quickly walked upstairs to my room." Hold it!" Before I could head up to my room my sister called me. I went to the kitchen and my sister was standing there with her arms crossed.

"What??" "Did something happen when you were walking back home??" I crossed my arms and raised one eyebrow." What makes you think that??" "You didn't say 'hi' back and your acting weird. So is there some you need to tell me??"

I sighed and began to tell my sister that our mom followed me to Mina's house and snuck up to me and to her what she said." God, now she wants to be a fucking parent after what she have done?! God!"

I went in for a hug trying to clam down my sister.

Bakugo's POV:

I was planning to call y/n tonight to just hear her voice. But I couldn't help but think she was upset with with me. I really love them but I was just scared to loose them. The talk we had last week really hurt me

She was scared that I didn't trust her. I did trust her but I didn't trust that Shinso guy. I turned out my phone and decided to call her. I waited untill they picked up their phone.

I waited and waited but no answer... I called her the second time and this time she picked up. "Hey dummy.." "hey.. it's nice to hear your voice" " it's nice to hear yours too.." while talking to them they were kinda distant.

"Hey dumbass are you okay??" It went silent for a bit but she finally replied. She said she were okay but I didn't believe them..." You sure??" "Yeah, hey can we talk tomorrow?? I have to go to bed... bye" "bye..."


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