Chapter Fourteen: Part 2

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Ryan was standing by his locker...on crunches and there was a white plaster cast on his right leg. Jesse ran toward him immediately.

"What happened man?" Jesse asked. He could see Ryan had scarps all over his face and a black eye.

"I wreaked the truck. Hit a tree.", he answered Jesse simply.

"Why didn't you call someone?", Elizabeth asked from her place beside Stefanie. Elizabeth was holding her hand and noticed she was shaking and looked about to cry.

Ryan just shrugged and refused to look at Stef.

Elizabeth turned to Stef. "Come to the library with me before class starts?

Stef nodded. As they went past Ryan he didn't even look up. When they were a safe distance away. Elizabeth text Jesse.

Talk to your boy please. I don't wanna interfere but Stef is so upset. C u in English. Thanks for breakfast.


"So Rye, what's going on man? I don't wanna pry but first Stef gets that picture now you total your truck.", Jesse asked Ryan as the sit in the cafeteria before class.

Ryan sighed, " I don't know Jess, Stef got mad cause I wanted to go to a party and she didn't want to so we argued and I went anyway. I had a few drinks and next thing I know this girl starts kissing me and I..I didn't stop her. I know it was stupid I have no excuses. When she pulled away I grabbed my keys and got the hell out of there. I wasn't okay to drive and I hit a tree."

"You shouldn't have been drinking Ry. How'd you keep for going to jail?"

"We didn't call the cops. Dad's friend, Robert owns a wrecker and toed the car to our house. I waited till I sobered up this morning to go to the emergency room. Jess, I've messed everything up. I'm out of football my senior. I've probably lost Stefanie and my parents are pissed as hell but they are still letting me go because I told them Elizabeth was looking forward to it after that I can't leave the house for a month."

"Well bud, all I can say is if you love Stef then you need to talk to her and be patient with her. Yeah you just kissed a girl but it's still cheating."


Jesse was waiting when Elizabeth got to Ms. Cole's room. It had taken quite I while to calm Stefanie down.

"How's Stef?" Jesse asked as she wheeled in beside him.

"She's mad but hurt too. Seeing Ryan hurt really shook her up. She's hurt that he cheated and because he did not call about the accident."

"I'd be mad too. Cheating is never okay.", Jesse said.

The class went to the library again to work on their projects. Elizabeth and Jesse were already ahead on theirs so they just spent the class instant messaging each other about Stef, Sky and the weekend.

About twenty minutes into the class, a delivery man came into the library carrying a vase of two dozen red roses surrounded in baby's breath. All the girls in the room eyes became hopeful has Ms. Cole went over and spoke quietly with the delivery man. She took the vase from him and walked over to where Elizabeth was seated beside Jesse at a long line of computers.

"Seems you have an admirer Elizabeth.", Ms. Cole smiled as she gave her the vase.

Elizabeth could tell by Jesse's clinched jaw that he didn't send the roses. She took the card of the little prong nestled in the flowers.

I love you. I want us back to before. Please meet me on the football field during your lunch. -E.

Elizabeth shot Eric a dirty look and tore the card in two. Jesse laughed at the Eric's stunned expression.

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