Chapter 19 Follow My Orders...

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I was carried to another room with all the others. We went into a room and there was a person! He was in a containment thing and lots of cords were connected to him. So many bottles were around us, one saying Healing ability, Mind control ability, Time ability, and so much more... Time and Mind control? That's cici and zanes abilities!!! Healing? Zane was dead....HE USED HEALING ON HIM!

Dr Clare said
"Okay place them all on these tables one table for one person. We will be extracting their abilities. Let me fire up the machine." I needed to think of a plan AND FAST! Yet I couldn't get my mind off this, Why us? Why do we have these powers what's so special about us? Was this all the training was for? To improve our powers so he can take and use them for himself?Yet I finally had an idea...I woke up and broke Cici's finger. She grunted in pain .She was in millions of pain and lucky for me even if Zane was under mind control he still loved her so he picked her up and tried to help her. When they were distracted I took the healing potions and spread it all over everyone and everyone woke up.

Dr Clare was furious and tried to stop me, be splashed meny potions at me yet none of them worked without full power locked. I dodged he thru, he caught me and trapped me to a leather trap on a experiment table, he grabbed a shot and said
"Atleast you tried kid
But Angel knocked him out with her floating pipe she found.
"How's that for weakest power?"
This made Zane and Cici snap out of it. They were so happy to see each other they were hugging, crying, and putting each other foreheads on the others. It was quite adorable. But this was our chance to escape so we had to be fast. All of us were up and moving, expect for Ryan..
He said desperately. He sat on the table trying to sit up still, but he was shaking and couldn't hold still. No one took the blade out of him that was dis-jecting is power so it took his blood along with it.
"W-wait.. RYAN!"
I yelled while running over
", no, no, NO! Theirs gotta be a way to transfer it back right? Right?!"
He looked up at me trying to fully look
"Go save yourselves, I was never a good person here, I deserve this, go live your lives, you deserve it, I'm sorry to all of you, Cici, Zane, Nat, and you Rose."
"What did you do to me?"
"I didn't treat you the way a real man should."
He brought my hand close to his lips and gave it a kiss, after that he smiled and rolled back to the experiment bed....dead... We couldn't do much but say our goodbyes and pay our respects.Cici used her power to put us all in a time warped and we finally made it out... It's been so long since Ive seen them all though...So long...

Cici finally met up with her family and her baby brother was now 5! It was the saddest video ever when they reunited and the cops found her. Zane was an orphan but Cici let him stay in the guest bedroom without her parents knowing but they found out but he lives with them now. Nat reunited too and they were all crying and Devin was too. I have no idea where Ryan, Evan, Amethyst and Angel are though. I didn't get their phone numbers since we all had none.

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