Chapter 7 The war begins.

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"Haha. They say Cici is the most powerful here besides Devin." Zane looked up as if he would kill him if he said anymore.
"Well honestly it seems like they think trash is the best people here." Zane got furious and he said
"SHUT UP RYAN! SHE HAS ALWAYS BEEN BETTER THAN YOU AND WILL ALWAYS BE!!!" I don't think Nat overheard or she would probably rage too. Nat came over here while Angel watched from afar. She said "Woah guys guys chill. What happened."
Zane pushed her down and his eyes were glowing bright red. She lit a fire in her hand and said.
"Don't make me use this Zane.
We all know what will happen." Zane rolls his eyes and helps her up then returns to Ryan and kicks him so hard in the private part he was thrown into a wall and almost broke it down. Reinforcements came in and stopped him from doing anymore.

Nat then said
"Wait so why was he so mad."
I said
"Well you probably don't wanna kno-"
Ryan interpreted
"I called Cici trash."
"SO HE WAS BACKING UP FOR MY SISTER?!?!" Her hair went up into flames.
"So that's why her name is "FLAME".
Ryan said then rolled his eyes. "Her eyes shape into flames and she has a demonic look on her face. She then lights her hands on fire and chases after Ryan as he runs for his life. She tripped and touched his behiden and it lit on fire. He then screamed like a tiny, baby girl and Dr, Clare then said over the mic.
They all stopped and he electrocuted Nat and Ryan with the shock collars.

We all went to bed a few hours later after we went to the work out room. I realized there were assigned rooms. Me and Nat, Angel and Evan, Amethyst and Ryan, and Cici and Zane. Nat was still frustrated and she went to bed immediately when we came in. It just had a bunch of random objects based on our power. She had lots of flames on her side. I had rainbows and thunder clouds and such.

It was then 2 a clock on my cloud clock by my bed when a loud and annoying siren went off. A person came on and it didn't sound like Dr, Clare.To be honest it just sounded like that same google translate thing. "Attention all cases and workers of plant 103. Devin has tried to help Cici escape the hospital. Please stay calm while we try to help you all to not be in danger." Nat binged up all wide awake. "Oh so now he's helping?!"

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