Chapter 6 The Challenges begin.

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Cici was still out cold for the next few weeks. We could visit her but only for a while. She looked really bad too. "Well sorry about your first day here Rose." The man said. "Well I guess It's time you know my real name. You can call me Dr. Clare. I'm a Doctor because I have to deal with you freaks." I stare at him deadly. "Geez chill I was just kidding. Anyways you're probably wondering what your ability is huh?" I scream in excitement. "YES!! I mean yes.." He chuckles, "Well its weather. Isn't that obvious.

All of us were knocked out for a few after the conversation me and Dr Clare had. When I woke up I was barricaded on a chair with 4 parts of the room. Titled above them were Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring. Underneath the signs were items or things to represent the season. Winter had snow with cold air conditioning. Fall had colorful leaves. Spring had flowers. Summer had the sun with warm air conditioning. I also saw one door that said "To other cases." I'm assuming the other cases are the others who were with me. So I had this sudden urge to want to finish faster to see what the other cases had to do.

Dr Clare then came on the mic saying. "Hello Rose. This will be your first training program. You must set off each Season. In one corner is Summer. Make that corner sunny. The other is fall, which has rain but is warmish. Winter make it snowy. And spring make it hotish but with rain. Begin.

I began to try so hard to set off the weather in Summer. I saw Dr Clare watching me through a glass stained window behind me. I tried and tried over and over. I then realized what if I had to do it in reverse so I tried Winter. It also didn't work. WIth all my frustration I shouted out " Are we even above ground!!! UGHHH!!!"" The Mic came on and I saw and heard Dr, Clare say "No." I then realized wait. We aren't above ground? I then said with pride and joy acting as if i'm super smart.
"If we aren't above ground my powers won't work plus our powers don't work down here. He then said
"Well your powers do work down here besides a few people." I assumed heent Cici because she could stop the time. "but true about the 1st thing you said. You pass now you can come back here with me to see how the others are doing."

I walked down to see the next person, Zane. As soon as we walked in he passed. I didn't know why though he had to do a lot of things to get through but he didn't do a single thing. Dr Clare said "You may pass Zane." In a weird voice. Then Zane came back here with us. After him was Ryan. He made a portal and just walked through it to get back here with me and Zane. He then pushed Zane and Dr, Clare into the portal and trapped them there. He then started to say to me
"You know you're kinda cute. Rose is it?" I stutter "y-ya..."
"Well Rose i'm Ryan nice to meet you."
We shook hands. The Doctor and Zane were still trapped. Dr Clare was banging on the glass saying "Let me back in now!" and I could see Zane just standing there looking down thinking of something. Ryan then said
"Anyways princess. I guess we should let these fouls back in huh?" I shook my head yes and he did just that.

Dr Clare was furious at Ryan but we then continued to see Angel. She was jumping on different blocks trying to get to a checkpoint. Like a parkour or obby you would see in games such as minecraft or roblox. When she finished Dr, Clare said she passed and she came back here with us. After her was Nat. This is who I was waiting for. I was excited to see what she had to do since we were close back then. There were objects scattered around the room and it seemed to be like a note of things in her hand. She then started to light only certain things on fire. That's probably what the list of items was for. After that she said she was done and Dr Clare said "Okay you pass time for the last two people."

Next was Amethyst. I was also pretty excited for this one because I got a good impression of her when we first met. Dr Clare said "She was to try to find one apple in the room using only her smell and her sight. There are also A LOT of other things in the room so this will be a challenge." After what it felt like 12 hours she finally found the apple but she didn't pass due to time. Dr Clare pulled a lever and the ground opened up and swallowed her. We all had worried faces except for Zane. "Dr, Clare said "Last one."

Last but not lest Evan. Dr Clare then said "Evan you must predict what I will do. Either drown or melt this worm before you." Dr Clare wrought down Drown. Evan then said. "You are going to drown the worm." "Correct you all passed but Amethyst. Now it is Lunch. Please go to the Lunch Room." During lunch I sat alone, sensed Amethyst was somewhere else and Nat was talking to Angel so I didn't want to intrude. Ryan then came up to me. "Hey cutie." I said "Uh...H-hi..." "HAHA! Are you blushing?" He walks closer. "Well there's nothing to be scared of. I'm the best person here anyways." I could hear Zane mumble. "Shut up player..." I'm supposing, Ryan heard because Zane got really mad when he said this....

Too Dark...Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora