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 After all that talking I got taken to a personal chamber where two girls tried to bath and dress me. They left me a fresh sleeping gown and quietly exited it because I told them, as politely as I can that I am perfectly able to bath and dress myself. Is this what 'luxury' is supposed to look like? Because if it is... I don't want it. After all of that, I got some food delivered to me. I got to say it was delicious. And last night was the first time that I remember of falling asleep with a completely full stomach, fully bathed and warm. Comfortable. If I forgot that the build in which I was is full of people which can kill me just by moving their hands...

So shortly, I slept well. But that slumber was interrupted the next morning by the same two girls. Only this time, they were with another girl. And she is absolutely gorgeous. She has beautiful long red hair and gray eyes.

"Up, up, up. Let's get you up and look you up," the redhead said while the other two dragged me out of bed two sit in front of this beautiful huge mirror.

The redhead sat next to me and open this, suitcase looking thing, look over it before facing me.

"Well alright. I guess we don't have much work to do. Maybe change you hair col- okay, maybe not that." she said after my hair color changed by itself to beet looking red. "How about ey-, okay maybe not that either." after that she stayed quite for a minut. And then out of nowhere, she put her hand next to the top of my face and run it down.

"What are you doing to me?" I asked confused. "And who are you?"

"I'm Genya." she stopped and waited for me to tell her my name.

"I'm Ember."

"Well Ember, I'm a tailor and I just made you look a bit less like a ghost. And I'm getting you ready for a meeting with Baghra and General Kirigan so let's get you dressed."

The thing that I was dressed in, was called a Kefta. At least that's what Genya told.The color of a Grisha's kefta is determined by their Grisha order and the color of the embroidery on the cuffs and hems signifies the wearer's type within the order. Mine is in the color of green, with pale blue, red, silver and gold embroidery. And it was just for me, the only one with the exact design.

"No mother, I won't do th-

"Then what are you planning on doing then!?" was the first thing me and Genya heard after walking into the room where this 'meeting' is supposed to take place. 

"Let's be civil now mother. We've got company." The Darkl- Aleksander said. So Baghra is his mother.

After that, Genya left immediately. Alekander motioned for us to sit down. We sat in silence for a minut until Baghra cleared her voice.

"Now Aleksander, I have a feeling this girl is as clueless about your plans as I am. So, please enlighten us both with your brilliant plan... And maybe even tell me, how is it that you are alive and how you two came across each other.?" 

Aleksander stood up and said "Well, after the volcra attacked the ship, I was pushed off. I though I was dead honestly. But then, the volcra left me alone. Or not just that. It looked like, they were even listening to me. I also figured, I can make different monsters, and make them my army." I shivered at the thought of that.

"After that, I walked for a day and then I finally stumbled out of the fold. I walked further from it and came across a field. And there I saw a girl, Ember" he said, giving me a look before continuing " who was playing with the power of different elements. After a couple of hours I followed her back to her house, where people were looking for her, to probably kill her. She ran away from them towards the fold." he basically told her the whole story from then to now.. 

Baghra didn't believe us at the start but after showing her a bit of my powers she kind of started to... I think.

"Alright, but what is your plan then Alexander?" she asked again.

"Well, I plan to destroy the fold. For real this time." he said while I looked at him with disbelieve.

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