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A gate. There was a closed gate behind the guards. What are we supposed to do now? Technically, I could also push it open with the wind but that is going to make a lot of noise.

"Do it." he said.

"Do what?"

"Knock something over the furthest away u can."

"But what about the ga-

"Just do it!" he whisper-yealed.

So I knocked of some random vaze that was on the stairway before the door into The Little Palace, which made the two guards run towards that way. Well, we are lucky that they are stupid since one of them could easily stayed here.

"Okay, so what do we do no-

Before I was able to finish my sentence I started feeling extremely dizzy and then all I saw was the black of my eyelids.

Hands. Hands that were glowing red were holding pulling apart metal pillars. Slowly but it was working.



"Wake up!!" I heard someone whisper-yealling from the distance.

The first thing I saw after opening my eyes was a concerned The Darkling shaking me lightly.

"Are you okay?" he asked me. But I just ignored his question and slowly stood up. I walked towards the left side of the gate and stopped right next to the part where stone was so that the gate can open. I put my hands on two pillars and closed my eyes.

"What are y-

"Shhh." I shushed him and thought about fire. I though about my hands becoming torches, my whole body becoming a living torch. After I opened my eyes I saw that I was glowing with a warm reddish light, and that the pillars were also warming up.. It's working.

After the metal was warm enough I tried to push the pillars apart. I used some more warmth and it was working, slowly but surely. After the pillars being pulled apart about half way enough, the guards started walking back which made us both panic so I whisper-yelled at The Darkling "Help me you stupid!" He got a little burned in the proces but he'll live. After that we finally managed to split and get through the pillars and quietly sneak towards the door.

He opened the door (which was unlocked) quickly and ushered me in. On the inside of the door was this big hall decorated with some painting and sculptures made of gold. It was gorgeous. Unfortunately I of course did not have time to enjoy it's beauty since we could get couth pretty quickly if we aren't careful.

As I said before, the library is placed in the so called 'the heart' of the palace, which meant we don't have the easiest and clearest way to it. On the way, we almost got couth four times. Three by the guards and once by a Squaller. Could I be some type of Squaller? I mean, I have a lot of other powers but my strongest element is wind.?

My thoughts got interrupted by The Darkling saying "Well, welcome to the famous library Ember." while opening the door for me again. And what I saw on the other side of the door shocked me even more than the whole Little Palace. The library was huge with probably hundred or maybe even thousands of books. Some looked old and use, others looked clean and new. There seemed to be a different place for poetry, fiction and non fiction books. But there was this special part of the library that was... calling me to it. Like, it wanted me to come to it. 

So I did. I walked towards the middle of the library, The Darkling right behind me. This part was called All about Grisha. How creative. In this part, all books looked old, used and boring. Except once single book that stood out to me. I'm pretty sure it moved and actually just fell in my hands. At first I thought I was imagining that but after it flew out of my hands and landed on a nearby table, opened on a page which bore the tittle

"Naturalki." me and The Darkling read at the same time.

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