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"WHY DID YOU KEEP THIS A SECRET FROM ME, DRAKEN?!" Y/n charged into the brothel, swinging open his bedroom door

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"WHY DID YOU KEEP THIS A SECRET FROM ME, DRAKEN?!" Y/n charged into the brothel, swinging open his bedroom door. He was housed next to her room, and he was laying on his bed reading a comic book.

He peered over the pages with a raised brow. "Oh, you're home. Gonna make us dinner?—"

Y/n grabbed a nearby figurine he kept by his door, throwing it as hard as she could at him. Luckily, he dodged it, but it ended up hitting the wall behind him and breaking.

Draken turned around to the now shattered action figure, his forehead pulsating. He jumped to his feet, throwing his book down onto his bed. "JUST BECAUSE WE LIVE TOGETHER DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN JUST ACT LIKE YOU OWN THE PLACE BY BREAKING MY SHIT, YOU LOSER!"


Draken hitched, his face softening. "...You aren't allowed to know about Toman stuff—"

"Yeah! I know! That's not the point! Don't you think it's important for me to know this, though?! Aren't you all his best friends!? Why didn't you stop him!?"

"We tried, y/n. Takemichi will get him back—"

"And what if that doesn't work!?"

Draken paused, turning to look her in the eyes. They were shining with tears, and she was out of breath from screaming so much. She then shook her head lightly from side to side, throwing her hands over her face. "I'm sick of it...I'm sick of everyone leaving...I'm sick of losing people I really care about...I'm so tired..."

Now he understood. She was stressed out. Upset. Pissed. It seemed like everything in her world was falling apart.

He walked forward, wrapping his arms around her and hugging her gently by the head, embracing her against his chest. "...I'm sorry we didn't tell you...But right now, you don't need to worry about it. We're going to get Baji back from Valhalla, alright?"

"...Yeah...Alright." She whispered, her voice shaky.

A few days had passed, it marking October 23rd

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A few days had passed, it marking October 23rd. Y/n finally went back to school, as she was now able to bring herself back to focus on her education.

But coming back from school after missing 2 weeks, meant a LOT of missing work.

Trying to catch up on homework at the brothel wouldn't be ideal—Draken would bother her, Ms.Elizabeth Big Chest would constantly poke her cheeks, and Amy With The Ass would moan too loud with her clients.

So where can she study without lots of distractions? The cafe!

However, she was having a very difficult time.

Hanma has been my tutor since I started my third year at Northside...I never knew how to properly teach myself...Who knew studying and focusing alone could be so hard...

I wonder how Hanma's doing...I haven't seen him in over a week...

"Why? Because you were so innocent. You talked so nicely. You laughed cutely. You smiled with care. Every time I saw you, my heart would jump, and not from an adrenaline rush. Not from punching someone's teeth in. Just from looking at you."

Y/n slapped her hands over her burning face. Why did he say that to me!? And so casually, at that?! If he really did care, then he'd be helping me with this stupid math homework! That idiot!

"Oh, y/n!"

She peeked through her fingers, noticing a boy lean down to her booth with surprised eyes. She gasped. "H-Kazutora?!"

"It's been so long since I last saw you!" He placed his elbows on the table, and his hands under his chin, gleaming

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"It's been so long since I last saw you!" He placed his elbows on the table, and his hands under his chin, gleaming. "Did everything work out with your friends?"

"Huh? Oh, that! Y-Yeah...Sort of..."

Kazutora noticed her attitude shift. "...You have something on your mind again. What is it?"

"It's really nothing, I don't wanna—"

"You don't wanna bother me. I know. Go on, I'm listening."

Y/n's mouth turned into a faint smile of relief. "...It's just...I've been losing a lot of people lately...I'm just getting super stressed, that's all."

"Losing people? Did they stop being friends with you?"

"...They...died...in a car crash."

Kazutora's eyes went wide.

"...The other friend doesn't want to see me anymore...and the other other friend...Well, I sort of punched him in the face because he's going to...a 'new' friend group."

...Wait... Kazutora squinted his eyes at the girl as she spoke, examining her. Red hair...Green eyes...An airy voice...He then noticed something on her chest, as her school uniform was slightly unbuttoned. ...A lotus tattoo...So this is the chick Hanma and Baji were talking about...

"I need your advice again, Kazutora..." Y/n leaned back in her chair. "...Should I go apologize to the boy I'm mad at? Should I try to bring him back myself?...Or should I just...forget about him—"

"Drop it."


"Forget him. He left you. He's a bitch for that. So just forget about him. Let him do the stupid shit he wants." Kazutora suddenly stood up from the booth, waving goodbye. "I have to run, but don't interfere with him, okay? You can do much better."

Y/n slowly nodded, as if she were taking his advice to heart. "...Yeah...Yeah, you're right. Thanks Kazutora!"

The boy smiled. "No problem...Bye!"

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