Chapter 19

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Rena Dubra

Rena was on cloud nine for the rest of the day, she couldn't believe her and Sulley finally kissed! Every time she thought about it, she giggled to herself, when the HSS team got back they thought she had gone mad.

The team were about to go into the Third Challenge, 'Scare the Child, Avoid the Teenager' maze. Where the four remaining frat houses would have to hide away from the teenagers, while scaring the child.

This must be one of the easiest ones Rena had competed in so far, it was ten minutes until starting time. Currently Sulley and Rena were watching each other and smiling at one another, every chance they could get. The other Fraternity houses noticed this— Johnny noticed this and he didn't like it at all, but it was his own fault by cutting ties with her, he was starting to regret his decision he made.

But on the other hand he wanted this time to himself, to try and get his feelings together. But looking at them both, giving glances and smiles he doesn't think he can. He sighed in frustration, putting his hand through his fur, trying to focus on anyone but them.

On the other hand, Rena and Sulley paid no attention to anyone else apart from each other until they had to go into the maze, and beat to compete.

Once you enter the Maze, not only do you need to get back out again, you need to stay close to your team members as well. Because you need to come out as a team, Rena hopes that last night Sulleys words were true, that he and his team are now together instead of all over the place.

Rena nearly confronted a teenager, but quickly hid until the green light on top of the fake teenager appeared, giving her the go ahead to continue. When she got half way through the challenge she had finally passed Sonia, they stayed close together and hid and scared the children when necessary, slowly as the challenge was coming to an end, the more the HSS team were closing in together.

Rena scared once last child for the team, before they ran out of the maze. "Third Place HSS!" Rena gasped as she turned to her left, seeing Oozma celebrating on their second place, high fiving one another. Even though HSS came third, she was happy that they have gotten into the next round, so that meant that PNK had been eliminated.

She was also happy that Oozma had gotten in, confirming that Sulleys words were true, this meant that Hardscrabble would have a run for her money, if the OK team actually won.

Rena ran up to Sulley, jumping into his arms and hugging him. "Well done Sull— well done everyone!" Sulley put her back on her feet, "thank you beautiful."

"Thank you Rena!" All of Oozma commented

"Thanks Rena, when did this happen?" Mike pointed between the two, making the two monsters blush. Rena shrugged "U-um.. nothings been made... official... yet?" It was true they only had a few make out sessions, last night, they never made anything official.

The two monsters didn't think it was necessary at the time, they were going to take it slow, not wanting to ruin what they have. Though hopefully soon they will become official.

"Yeah, don't want to rush into... things." Mike hit Sulley in the arm a few times, "get in there Sulley! You're hitting the big numbers!" Which made them all laugh, while Rena shook her head smirking, "Well, what can I say?" She joked, as they chuckled at her.

They were quickly interrupted by Rosie, the president of HSS, "Rena come on, we have to go!"

"Coming! I'll see you later... Sulley." They smiled at each other, before she went to HSS.

Sulley was going to sneak into Renas room, while the other HSS girls are asleep, so they can hang out without the attention.

Sulley winked and waved goodbye to her, "see you later beautiful."

The HSS house were going to go out of campus for lunch, to celebrate their Third place. "I can't believe OK is getting this far into the Games, it's actually really unbelievable, who would have thought that monsters like them would even pass the second Challenge— Sulley I get but the others he surely has a very thin patience." Nancy commented. This made Rena snort, reimagining Sulleys old attitude towards OK, and that what Nancy had said was correct.

"But they're working as a team now, the first two games they were going ahead of themselves, I hope that they win. For the sake of them getting back into the Scare Program, I'm not really liking that they have to leave the University if they lose." Rena spoke out,

"The whole of OK or just Sulley?" Nadya winked, this made Rena roll her eyes with a smile. "No." HSS laughed at her, the female monsters definitely weren't going to let this go,Rena was really not looking forward to it.

As they all joked about it on their way back to the frat house, The Roars came to the girls sides. "Hello beautiful ladies, so we were wondering if you all wanted to join us for dinner tonight? To celebrate." Johnny gave them flashing smirk, Sonia looked over at Rena who refused to give Johnny any eye contact, after his hurtful words the other night. She didn't particularly want anything to do with him, let alone be in his presence— Rena wouldn't go anyway, as she would rather meet Sulley.

This made Sonia frown, seeing her friend distant and quiet. Rosie noticed the tension, "It's okay, thank you but—" Rena interrupted her quickly, "Of course they will, won't you girls?" Her friends frowned at her response, not wanting to leave Rena alone, knowing fully well that she wouldn't be joining them.

Rena didn't wait for an answer, as she waved goodbye going towards the HSS house, the two frat houses watched her in silence until she was inside the home.

She decided to just watch a film with some chips, as she waited for either Sulley or the girls to come back. As she suddenly didn't feel that hungry, but she hoped that her friends had fun either way.


Poor Rena... hopefully they sort out everything soon, I hope you enjoyed chapter 19!

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Written; 02/08/21
Completed; 19/09/21

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