Chapter 2

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Rena Dubra

Rena and Mike had found the tour guide, her name was Fay, very typical.

Their first stop was to the door designers, "So everybody, this is the lab where students learn to design and build doors, in and out of the human world. Look here's an example now!"

As they went closer to the first lab window, on the other side of the glass was students very busy at work, sawing and shaping doors.

Then they moved to a second window where, presumably a professor and a student were opening up a testing door. As the door got wider, Rena could see inside of a child's bedroom, where a little girl slept peacefully in her bed. The room was dark, until the room was filled with light from the glowing moon, which glowed over the child for a few seconds, before the professor gave a thumbs up to their student and then closed the door again.

Rena stared at them in amazement, definitely she would have chosen this Major if she didn't get into the Scare Major.

She'll admire this Major for the majority of her stay, if her Scare Major doesn't go well then she'd definitely choose Door Design.

Fay then took the small group of monsters to the cafeteria, which was not that far down the hall from Door Design, they were quite lucky in that aspect. There were already monsters queuing up for their food, looking absolutely miserable, clearly not liking anything that was in the food trays.

"The MU cafeteria serves a full buffet everyday, so you'll definitely not go hungry, they make the best food in the whole Monstropolis!" The dinner lady slid her way across the floor, as one of the students dumbed their left overs in the garbage, which the dinner lady with an annoyed expression, tipped all of the garbage over the dinner trays. Renas stomach growled loudly, she blushed deeply and Mike stared at her with a big smirk on his face. "Someone's hungry."

Rena made a nervous laugh, "oh shut up.." Mike laughed at her again, before they both continued to walk back outside onto the campus. Which was even more packed with monsters interacting than before, it amazed Rena with how many monsters were actually at the University.

There were even classrooms underwater for the sea monsters who can breathe underwater and classrooms for the massive monsters that couldn't fit in the regular classrooms. This University was truly amazing.

Before Rena knew it though she was being introduced to the great Scaring School, where she would spend her year learning more about scaring than she ever could in Kinder garden or High school. She stared at the tall building in awe, it was bright white and was shaped like an oval at the top of the building. With a lot of windows, Rena couldn't wait to start and see the inside of this place it was probably very extravagant.

Next and last thing of the tour, Fay brought the small group of monsters to the Club stands where everyone was able to project and advertise their clubs, so new members can come along and join into their interests.

Rena decided that she wanted to walk this part alone, so she had said goodbye to Mike as they went their separate ways.

As she explored, Rena saw stands of all kinds of Clubs, like a debate club, improv club, Astronomy club and her most favourite so far, was the Scare Games. Even though she liked the sound of it and many of the clubs she passed, Rena didn't bother stopping at any of them, as she decided that she just wanted to get settled into her dorm and have a lay down.

Just as she was about to turn to leave, Rena bumped into a hard chest, almost falling over.

But a hand caught her from falling on her ass.

She quickly looked up to see a purple fur monster, but he was a lot darker purple then Rena she blinked taking him in. He had a slightly big head with a muscled body, with overly large horns, that could have potentially been bigger than his head. But Rena didn't have any more time to reserve as she was placed on her feet again.

He coughed slightly, looking at her. He found the monster very attractive, her bright red hair and light purple slim body. He could have crushed her, but he didn't want to judge too quickly.

"Sorry cutie, I didn't see you there."

"Uh it's okay, I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going.." Rena was hitting herself, she hoped that he didn't notice her staring. Because she knew how males of their age can be.

"You have nothing to apologise for, the names Johnny Worthington. What yours?"

Rena was hesitant but told the monster anyway. "Rena Dubra." Johnny smiled at her, while grabbing her paw and kissing it. Rena was stunned as she just stood there, she had never been kissed before, let alone having a small cute gesture like a kiss to the paw.

Enough though she had fur, Rena was definitely blushing from the gesture, in fact she was left speechless.


Everyone around them 'ooed' at Johnny's movements, as he kept a very kind smile.

"It's my very pleasure meeting you Rena... I hope to see you at Fraternity and Sorority party tomorrow." With that Johnny gave her another white teeth smile, as him and his friends all walked away smiling and waving a goodbye to her.

Rena was still stood there stunned, for a few more seconds before she noticed people were still watching her after Johnny and his friends left. She shook her head lightly, getting a grip of herself and walking towards the main entrance of the dormitories.

"Hello Mrs Dubra, how are you liking campus so far?" Ray the receptionist asked.

"The campus itself looks amazing, the environment seems very friendly, so far it's good."

Ray smiled "I'm SO glad you think that way! But here's your key, and your dorm number is 325! See you later Mrs Dubra!"

Rena smiled at the kind receptionist and went on her way to find her dorm, she hoped that her roommate was as nice as everyone else on campus. She'd be spending the whole year with them, so if they didn't getting along throughout that, her University life may just be a little uneventful.

Rena found her room quickly, without a struggle— well she hit shoulders with a couple of monsters, but they were very excited to be here so Rena couldn't blame them.

She stood in front of her dorm door, taking a very long few breathes before she walked into the room, but it was empty... she furrowed her brows in confusion, the two double beds were unoccupied.

Rena bit her lip, well at least she could choose which side she wanted, she decided with the right side of the room.

It didn't take Rena long to unpack and get her side of the room ready, she placed her hands on her hips with a smile of appreciation.

Suddenly the door clicked and Rena flicked her head towards the door, where a short dark cyan  monster stood, with short back hair matching her height. She was slim and had two antenna for eyes,  and she had tentacles for legs. The monster looked very gloomy.

Rena and the monster stared at one another before the monster smiled slightly, showing off her goofy teeth. "Hello, I'm Sonia Lewis. Scare Major, you?"

Rena nodded her head, introducing herself once again, "My names Rena Dubra. Also a Scare Major."

Sonia nodded, "it'll be nice to know another monster there, I've seen you claimed the right side of the room." Rena felt uncomfortable real quick, "is that okay? Because I can happily switch up." Sonia laughed, "no no it's okay, I'm a lefty anyway." She joked as she placed her things on the bed, "I can't wait for this year to start! I can tell we're going to be great friends!"

Rena smiled and nodded.


Hello my Scare readers, here's another chapter of  Renas story, I hope you liked it. This chapter is slightly longer than the first one, so hopefully it looks alright and makes sense.

I'll see you in the third chapter!

Comment, vote and follow me!


Written; 24/07/21
Completed; 25/07/21

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