The Cannibal King's Arrest By The Law (Part 16)

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It was 2:23pm and Lois, Sarah and Jasmine were all hiding and they saw five enforcer trucks outside with armed police getting out and aiming their assault rifles at the cabin in caution of someone dangerous who might come out to attack them."Oh I am so glad that they are here to help us..I told you my plan would work obviously"."Okay Lois let me see what is going to happen with The Cannibal King" Jasmine replied responsively towards her allowing time to pass and that nothing bad will get out of her prediction.*Sheriff speaking loudly in a microphone as police helicopters were floating above in the sky* "THIS IS THE MCPD! GET OUT OF YOUR ILLEGAL ACCOMMODATED HOME AND PUT YOUR HANDS UP WITH NO WEAPONS IN EITHER HAND! ON THE COUNT OF THREE IF YOU DO NOT LEAVE THIS CABIN MY TEAM OF POLICE OFFICERS WILL IMMEDIATELY FORCE THEIR WAY THROUGH! ONE..TWO..THREE!".The swat team bursted their way through the cabin with aggression and force and aimed their weapons in time as they were looking for the cannibalistic man who had a chain made of human teeth sewed together he had no t shirt on and had blue jeans and gray boots on.

*The Cannibal King appearing Infront of the swat team silently spooking them as they fired shots* "WE ARE NOT AFRAID OF YOU..SHOW YOURSELF YOU CRAZY MAN!"."I SAID SHOW YOURS- *snapping neck* "I already have..happy now?".*Everyone else turning around and shooting at him as he crawled outside as he was injured but took the unconscious guy's assault rifle and shot many bullets at the swat team killing them all in a bloody mess." FIRE!" *shots blasting at the cannablistic man's body injuring him in his upper torso and neck as he shouted in pain and foreclosed skepticism of what he was going to do."Oh so you wanna play rough huh..LET'S PLAY ROUGH HA HA HA HA HA HA!".The Cannibal King was standing up as he had an RPG in his arms as he got it from the lower part of the cabin's floorboard."Well..FIRE IN THE HOLE! HA HA HA!".He yelled as he fired the missile at the officers as they ran as the cruisers and enforcers all exploded in flames."TASER HIM DO WHAT YOU CAN TO TAKE HIM DOWN!".*Taser sound and rubberised bullet shots at him as he laid there hopeless of not succeeding to stand up from the ground at all."All right you can go right ahead and arrest him officers".*Approaching and handcuffing him while they begged him to stand but he was not complying so they forced him up and handcuffed him* "Your going to jail for along time..have you taken any illegal substances sir?"." Of course I have with Christopher"."Who is Christopher sir?"."The guy I locked in the cage down there in the cabin..I bet he has been enjoying himself "." Man..shut up and get inside the you have any weapons on you?"."No because they are all down in my weapons closet nosy little nerd!"."SHUT UP AND GET IN THE CRUISER YOUR GOING TO A MENTAL HEATH STATE PRISON WITH MAXIMUM SECURITY WITH POLICE WATCHING YOUR EVERY MOVE!" the police officer shouted at him reasonably.

"Sure I will..HA Ha Ha Ha!"."Alright me and you will both go down here and free one of the people down there and seize any weapons we can find normal or futuristic"." Wait here..where is the key?"."What key?".*Annoyed and angered by the guy not responding to his question that he asked him* "THE KEY THAT WE NEED TO UNLOCK THE MAN DOWN IN YOUR CABIN IN A CAGE YOU MORON!"."Oh you should of just asked here you go" he replied with a sense of sarcasm and tiredness.*Snatching key off of him as he walked off grumpily* "okay we can go down there and seize the weapons and unlock the cage that grown man is trapped in".He said while he walked with his occupant buddy downstairs into the torture chamber and unlocked the man while he cried happily and joyfully." Oh..THANK YOU..THANK YOU SO MUCH I DON'T KNOW HOW TO REPAY YOU OH MY THANK YOU!" Christopher happily shouted as he hugged the officers in joy."Okay now it's time to go and seize the do you happen to know where it is uh..."name's Christopher"."Christopher?"."Yeah I do over next to the where the slicing machine is"."Okay thanks for your help we will now take it from here".*Opening weapon's closet and seeing tons of cigarettes and medicinal pills and illegal weapons including M4 assault rifles,Uzi's,Mp5's,double barrel shotguns* "Oh my god that's alot of things to seize from here isn't it?"."I know just take some things and put it in this seizing bag".They took all of the cigarettes,weapons and medicinal pills they could find and put it in the seizing bag and taking it away so it can be either decomposed or burnt."Christopher thank you for all your help you are free to leave and we will get going now goodbye"." Goodbye officers"."Told you my plan would work now let's bring him home Chris home with us".

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