Finding Weapons For The Rest Of His New Made Friends (Part 12)

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"Alright, let's get out of this dump and go and collect the weapons from Chris's arsenal in his destroyed mansion he owned before he died".Each one of them walked several miles to and from
Chris's mansion any got their own personal weapons of their desirable choice." WOW AN UZI I
ALWAYS WANTED ONE OF THESE!" *everybody staring at her* Sophie exclaimed happily while everyone looked at her with concern and surprise.As usual Sophie had the Uzi Luiz had the ak Jasmine had an MP5, Sarah had an M4 assault rifle and everybody else got cool laser guns or normal pistols."Is everyone ready to take down these assholes once and for all?"."YES WE ARE!".
They all headed out to town where the riots were happening and saw 17 rioters who appeared to
be wearing black suits were the henchmen they needed to safely eliminate.Sarah and Jasmine both fired shots at the rioters (dead Chris's henchmen) killing them instantly with no hesitation."Well done guys there are more than that so we need to keep a lookout everybody split up into twos!" Luiz ordered as everybody complied with him and split up.SMASH! "AH YES DIAMONDS GUYS COME ON GET ALL THE JEWLREY YOU CAN FIND AND LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!" the rioter shouted as he escorted everyone out only to be stopped by Dave and Christina."So where do you think your going huh?". Christina asked while aiming her pistol at them.*aiming their M4's at the teens without fear of being shot* "MY GOD I DID NOT KNOW YOU WOULD HAVE ASSAULT RIFLES WE WILL GET OUT YOUR HAIR KINDLY!"." YEAH BYE!" the rioter replied frantically whilst shooting Christina in the leg severely injuring her.

"THAT'S WHAT YOU GET GREMLIN-GIRL! HA HA HA HA!".Angrily, Christina got her pistol she dropped and fired nine shots at both of the men carrying $2,218,782 worth of diamonds and jewelry in a black zipped up bag.Both of the men screamed in pain but Christina shot them again and again until they were dead on the spot.*dropping the gun in anger* " let's go their not worth our while"."okay whatever you say Christina..wait your unarmed how are you going to kill the rioters?"."I will go to the friendzie-house you kill anyone who you think are rioters"."Alright got it"."A group of henchmen saw their dead opposed members and blasted at Christina killing her as she limped her way across the street recklessly. "AHHH! I AM HURT EXTREMLY HURT I THINK I MIGHT DIE FROM MULTIPLE GUN SHOT WOUNDS!".She was right she died just after saying as Dave ran as quickly as possible towards to Luiz telling him the news as the henchmen started chasing after him." OI! COME BACK HERE YOU LITTLE GARGOYLE LOOKING COW COME BACK I DID NOT FINISH YOU COME BACK!!!". The men shouted and screamed attempting to shoot at him with an M4 rifle but failed horribly."This would be a great place to hide" he whispered to himself knowing they wouldn't find him."WHERE DID HE GO! UGH LET'S GO BACK TO THE HIDEOUT THIS IS RIDICULOUS!".*Getting out of corner and shooting 4 shots in both of their heads with a automatic pistol* BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! "God how many are there! I did a good job back there" Dave boringly congratulated himself."Well time to tell Luiz about the news quickly".He rushed towards the hood part of town the corrupted centre of where all of this was happening.When he go there he told Luiz what happened to Christina and he got upset and told everybody to stop and come to where he was on a walkie talkie.*walkie talkie static* "everybody come to where I am it's in the dangerous part of town hombres!". Everybody came and told him about what happened to Christina everybody cried sadly as now they knew she was dead.

"The other thing I wanted to point out we need help and what I mean by that is getting the cops because it gets bit dangerous in these part of town okay?"."Alright okay we all will wait here for the cops to show up so they can help us".12 minutes later, they arrived and got out of their cruisers and decided to help all of the (teenagers 12 of them as Christina died) with the job of stopping the rioters from causing anymore havoc on the town.*Police officers testing out of their cruisers* "okay what seems to be the problem..huh?"."We are trying to eliminate the rioters officer..I mean their everywhere!"."We will help.." YES!".."ON ONE CONDITION!"."Ugh!"."The teens have to stay indoors as I don't want them getting hurt like how the one of them did"."He is right you guys go me and the officers will stand guard and look around!" Luiz projected as he went around the very corrupt and evil neighborhood of South Milligan with him and the officers seeing the damage caused by the rioters."This is so depressingly miserable and cruel ya know I mean I use to live here before the gangs came it was always a fun place to hang out and go on your bike you know now it has turned to a gang-affiliated territory with two separate sides"."Yeah I hear you Louie it is a bit sad to see" one of the police officers replied as he looked on seeing two rioters trying to break into a terrace house on a differentiated road."MCPD! PUT YOUR HANDS UP YOU ARE UNDER ARREST FOR ATTEMPTED ROBBERY!"."DANG! *aiming a AR-15 at them bravely* "MAN DOES IT LOOK I AM SCARED OF YOU PUNK POLICE! *firing shots at the officers with near misses* "I need backup immediately.. I MEAN IMMEDIATELY!".Both of the officer got there stun gun pistols and fired without miss paralyzing the two rioters who appeared to be wearing gang clothing." AH SCREW YOU! YOU STILL AIN'T GONNA DO NOTHING YOUR SCARED TO COME OUT OF THAT LITTLE SCARED-HIDING SPOT OF YOURS!".The police officers waited for backup as all of them hid next to a nearby metal fence.15-20 minutes and backup had arrived and then they arrested the two men taking them to a high security mental institution in downtown Oregon few miles away from Marksman."I AIN'T GOING TO NO MENTAL INSTITUTION THAT'S DEAD I AM NOT GOING WITH SOME DUMB COPS LIKE YOU!"."You can say that to the Judge pal" the officer replied nicely as they drove away.

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