Running In Fear (Part 3)

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Sooner or later, Jasmine was hiding with Sarah as they saw that the crazy man was after
them and they had to not get caught or get sliced or diced by him."Oh my god..what if he
finds us?" Jasmine asked in a frightening voice."He won't..i mean we are in the bushes how
else is he going to see us" Sarah quietly responded.*Loud footsteps* the man was getting
nearer and nearer towards the two girls but could not sense where the strange rustling
sound was coming from."Whe..WHERE ARE YOU..WHEN I FIND YOU I WILL TORTURE
AND CUT YOU UP INTO PIECES OF FLESHED MEAT" he exclaimed in a loud and scary
tone of voice."Oh my god..we are so going to no no!" Jasmine said 3 times in fear.

The scary man came running towards the nearby diner in a hurry and kicked the door
open without any hesitation needed as he thought that the girls would be there."Alright if none of you stupid mongrels tell me where
those two girls are or i will kill each one of you"."Um..what do the girls look like?" a man said
in a pleasent voice."Does it look like i..ACTUALLY KNOW WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE..UGLY
DO YOU WANT TO DIE..HUH..HUH?!!" the man yelled out towards the guy sitting down drinking
a strawberry milkshake." i don't think so i am sorry". the man sadly cried out."Oh..YOU BETTER BE OR ELSE YOU WILL KNOW WHATS COMING!.. name is Christopher
Daniels and i am the leading boss of the #1 known organization called T.A.K.E.A.W.A.Y S.E.R.V.I.C.E well you may have discov-,"Wow..your the boss that is so-*Gunshot sound*

*Everybody screaming* "that's what happens when you don't listen to someone who is speaking...
anyone else want to die aswell".*silence* " that is what i thought, now as i was saying you may
now discover that i am the boss of a organization..#1 for that matter *chuckles to himself*
"any questions for me to answer.*hand pops up from behind* "yes..go on"."Well what do you do
in your organization"." Good question..well not really but in our business are main top priority is
to take or so say 'kidnap' people and then take them to our hideout and torture and murder them".As the man was talking, Sarah and Jasmine ran out back into their car and started it up;it
worked finally and Sarah drove the other way to go to the police station as they needed to report
the guy that was following them.

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