Good Sophie's Betrayl To Her Friends (Part 10)

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As they finished the movie, David started to realize that the Good Sophie was starting to act a lot
strange towards him and his friends especially Sarah as she started looking at her like she
was up to something.*phone ringing* "Oh guys I quickly need to take this call! Two seconds".*walking to the other room with coordination and patience knowing nobody would come over* {answering her phone} " Hello..oh your out! Good I will come and pick you up"."Please I need you to kill one of these people Sarah or Luiz you's your choice remember"."...WHAT! I could never kill my best friends that I met!"."Well your basically a clone of her just..CHOOSE ONE FOR GOD SAKE!".*Sighing with frustration* "fine..Sarah"." Good choice
meet me in the hospital at 4:14pm".*ends call* "SOPHIE! CAN YOU GET ME ANOTHER DRINK PLEASE!"." YEAH WHATEVER! " Sophie said like she did not have a life while making and bringing the drink to him."Guys do you feel like Good me feels like she is somewhat different"."Of course! {Sophie getting shocked of what she might hear} "she has a different perspective and personality than us she is like that chill girl ya know". {Good Sophie sighing in relief} " That makes sense yeah".

"Alright everyone I am going to the hospital to pick up Christopher bye!"." BYE!!!" everyone said shouting in retrieval at her.*Good Sophie walking and locking the door and getting into her Jeep and driving to Marksman City Hospital* "Fucking hell this is so stressful..but I am picking up this guy I barely know but at least he will tell me everything I need to hear".*19 minutes later, she arrived at the hospital and picked up Chris in a wheelchair and put him and his wheelchair in and drove back* "Well we are listen you are going to tell me everything I need to hear about your organization or else I will have you whipped with a whip brutally! Capiche!?"." Sure but don't expect any give or return favour from me"."I am not obviously looking for that! Now get out and go inside and bring yourself upstairs to the chair and sit down on it..BEFORE I SHOOT AT YOU!!!".
*Running upstairs boredly* "Oh well look who it is Christopher Daniels the so called business, money making billionaire"." Oh shut up will ya!"."Whatever".5 minutes after, Chris sat in the chair as the others looked at him while Good Sophie was speaking to him."Mr Daniels do you know what you have created has turned into a devastating threat as many people are getting killed for money?"."Yeah but does it look like I'm bothered no because it is not my fault is it their just crazy I wanted to kill people privately not in public"."YOU HYPOCRITE THAT IS NOT THE TRUTH! THE REAL REASON YOU WANTED TO DO THAT WAS SO THAT YOU WOULD FALSELY CLAIM MONEY!" Sophie extremely shouted while whipping him in the face.

"Jeez Sophie that has got to leave a mark but she is right you cannot lie just to claim for your own
gain it is not right, when we are done with you will take hand you over to the police so they can arrest you for multiple charges"."Oh is that so?".*nodding head with a confident and annoyed look on her face* "Your not that
good Sophie your truly evil because you said on that phone that you would kill Sarah!"."Your lying! Good Sophie would never want to hurt us!"."Oh really, listen to this voice recording then for my evidence".*Evidence tape playing* Hello..oh your out! Good I will come and pick you up"."Please I need you to kill one of these people Sarah or Luiz you's your choice remember"."...WHAT! I could never kill my best friends that I met!"."Well your basically a clone of her just..CHOOSE ONE FOR GOD SAKE!".*Sighing with frustration* "fine..Sarah"." Good choice
meet me in the hospital at 4:14pm".*ends call* "oh no..why Good Sophie why why on earth would you do such a thing?"."That nincompoop told me to do it so I might as well now do it".*giving the gun to Sophie while pointing at her head* "Goodbye Sarah, it was nice meeting you as you were my best friend you all were"."KILL HER THEN! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!".*Turning the gun towards her counterpart and shooting her in the chest* BANG! "WHAT! WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT I SAID SHOOT SARAH NOT HER YOU DUMB FO-!". BANG! BANG! BANG! Good Sophie shot at Christopher 3 times leaving him critically injured on the spot." Sophie why would you betray us like that did you not like us or something?"."I mean he told me I had no choice he could of killed me instead".*Sophie picking up the gun and shooting Good Sophie at point blank range killing her* BANG! BANG! "Why did you do that Sophie?"." I thought she was evil and I mean she betrayed us so it does not matter and she shot at me!".*sound of merging bodies making into one* "do you guys hear that oh cr!"." Speaking in a scary woman-man voice* "WELL IT SEEMS WE HAVE MERGED INTO ONE I GUESS! WHAT NOW? HMMM... TIME TO DIE!!! HA HA HA HA!!!"." WE GOTTA RUN QUICK GET OUT I WILL DEAL WITH THIS THING!".{Sophie dealt with the merged monster and killed it taking only Good Sophie out she was injured but only 32% alive the other part broke out through the material and shattered the window stomping away going on a rampage killing more people as she thought it was Chris}

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