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Mark P.O.V

2 hours. In 2 hours we'll start that operation. So much to do so little time. What will she say and think? Is she ready? Poor girls. I feel sorry for the girl that just passed away , she had so much that she could have done in her life but she can't any more. For her parents. They lost their daughter , their kid, a person that they cared for , raised, and watched over so they could have a long and happy life , to watch it just fade away like a ray of sunlight on a cloudy day. For Aideen. After this stupid fight , if you can call it a fight, after the resent events , is she going to be okay or if she is tired.

But there is no time to lose. We need the operation room ready, get her and myself ready for this. This is going to be a long day. Sometimes I wonder why the hell I took this profession. I could have taken up something more easy and with less responsibilities, but nooo i had to take up this.

I took my phone out.

Yes, professor?

Bambam , I need an operation room ready, inform Miss Park and her family that she will be going under an operation in less than 2 hours. Hurry up!

Right away , sir!

When her family is here give me a notice. I'll come and tell them about the necessary things they need to know.

Of course ,sir!

I hung up and made my way to my office. This is going to be a long day and this one particular case isn't easy. The complications during and after the transplant.

I made it in my office and poured myself some coffee. This should help calm my nerves. Just as I was about to sit down my phone rang. There is no way that I'm resting not only for one minute.

Yes Bambam?

Miss Park's family are here , sir. Would you like for us to tell them the news or are you coming yourself?

So soon?

They were actually here when I went to her room .

Alright then! I'll be there in a bit.

Okay,sir. Profesor?

Yes ?

Who of the assistants are helping you today? So I'll inform them to come by Miss Park's room.

Get me Youngjae and the new guy Yugyeom.

Right away sir! They will be waiting outside of the room.


I hung up the phone, let out a sigh, grabbed my cup and drank it all in once. I tried to gather my strength so I could walk my way to Aideen's room. I really want to be home and just rest for the day but that won't be possible for the next few hours. As much as I enjoy this job, I'll never get used to the talking. I love surgery and saving lives, but the talking always makes me nervous no matter how many times I do it.

I've always been the quiet kid, minding my business , making just a couple of friends so that I can act like myself and be able to show emotions and not be just a robot on autopilot. Like I do this routine again and again . Nothing new. Same old things. It helps me to stay focused on my work but have a 9 to 5 job, well, most of the time, it gets ... boring i'll say. I want to travel , see a couple of my friends , and meet someone that I would consider my partner. But with this job is almost impossible. You see what I said, ALMOST. Almost because you can meet doctors or nurses and voila, partners. But that could be challenging. If the rest of the hospital knows about it , if I agree with them they will think as if I'm on their side. And there is the talking and the gossiping , something that I do not want to be part of.

Smile for me! - Mark Tuan ffWhere stories live. Discover now