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Aideen P.O.V

 Being happy and maintaining a positive mindset it’s really hard in today's society. Everyone has their problems and their demons. But we often hear the phrase : “ Be grateful for what you have! Do not complain so much, there are people that have it worse than you!”.

But for once I don't want to care what others go through. For once I want to be selfish. Like, I do not care about the others, I have my problems, my demons , my war to win. I can't fight my war if you keep comparing my problems with other people’s problems. That isn't called helping , that makes me or the person you are talking too feel even worse than they are already feeling.

For a moment I want to focus my attention on myself. My war can be smaller than somebody’s else, somewhere in this big world, but to me? To me that’s the worst it can get. That’s all I can coperhand. And for once I just want to deal with my own dark world. I don’t need to hear that stupid shit anymore. I just want to give an end to this pain, to this train of thoughts, to this long night. I want to end it. I just want to stop for a minute and close my eyes. And as if , when I opened my eyes everything would be happy, joyfull, and colorful. But let's not lie to ourselves. Brighter days can't come if we chose to ignore our problems or by pushing them away. Brighter days come when you solve them and you can finally rest and breath freely. You will tell me that , again i will face problems , i’ll feel pain all over again, everything will repeat itself. But this time is different. This time  you will know what to do.

Life is a never ending circle of problems that need to be solved. Sometimes the problems repeat themself  , sometimes they will not. And those are the times that will make you grow , mentaly, emotionally and sometimes even physically. Those hard days will shape you as a person. In life we need to give up and sacrifice a lot of things, we’ll need to go through a lot of rainy days so the sun will shine on us again. But in the end it’s all worth it.

How can we all stay positive in a coas like this?

You want to hear another common answer?

Appreciate the small things. That one laughter you shared with your friends,partner,sibling,kids. That one moment of peace when you fell asleep. That excitement when you got the job. That  excitement when you tried on your first  pair of heels. That excitement when you got into your dream college. Those little times when your heart made a flip. All of that, store it in your brain. You deserve to feel it again. Seek those moments. And stay in them as long as you can. Life is too short to let yourself hang around and hold on the sad moments. Keep your head up and give out a smile to anyone, that smile can light up someone’s day.

Take it from a girl that is fighting a losing battle. Cystic fibrosis is no joke!

Since you all wanted me to make a video about cystic fibrosis and explain to you what that is, i'll make another one after this. Thank you for tuning in , I'll see you in my next video. Don't forget to subscribe and leave a like. Thank you !

See you on my next video!

I stopped my camera. I turned the round LED light off and a sigh escaped my mouth. I looked around me and everything was in its place, the beautiful sunset rays hit my room. The rays looked like golden arrows that were shot to light the place on fire. Inside the rays you could see the tiny specks of dust floating around. A small little tiny speck trying to survive into the big world. I felt the same way. But being small shouldn't be the problem. Being small couldn't stop me from doing what I want , for exploring , for dreaming. The size doesn't matter. The biggest enemy isn't the world , it's our mind. That's where all the craziness starts, where the thought is born. But the way we interpret it also makes a difference. Looking things differently can help too.

Smile for me! - Mark Tuan ffWhere stories live. Discover now