Episode 6.4

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Yes, burn them.

I open the lid of the kerosene bottle and pour it on those wooden canvases and papers with sketches. One thing isn't getting out of my mind. Why can't I see them? His parents saw those ghosts and things, which means they're visible to others too. But why not me?

My hand went to my necklace amulet, it's my habit, whenever I'm pondering about something I start playing with my necklace, as a body language. I lit a match and was going to throw it on the pile when something evoked in my mind. I blow the flame and look at my necklace again. The amulet, it's a black obsidian stone. My mom gave it to me before I came to this city. I know she said it shields against negativity, blocks psychic attacks, and absorbs negative energy from the environment. Is it because of this? That ghosts are scared of me? Should I... try taking it out?

I think for a moment, "Let's see!" and remove the necklace from my neck and put it on the floor. I wait, nothing happens. I look behind me to see and gasp loudly in fear, my heart leaped into my throat, dread twisted in my gut. It was like your worst nightmare alive. Every ghost, that I saw in his paintings, is standing in front of me in their ghastly form, with that clown in the middle of them. They're staring at me, it's...so horrifying. One thing is for sure, that black obsidian works, and I made a big mistake by taking it out.

A ghost pushed me and I fell to the ground. They all are coming closer to me, I crawl back and was caged in a corner. I don't know what to do, my hands aren't moving, I can't breathe. They're crowding around me, it's so suffocating. Their touch is too cold that it hurts. I can't move myself, it's creeping me out. I squeeze my eyes shut, I suppose I'll die here today. 

No! Joshua is waiting for me, I need to do something. I gather my courage and give a fist blow to that clown's face and kick that prisoner shirt's abdomen. I move fastly from under them, lit a match, throw it on the pile of paintings and run out, shutting the door behind me. 

Woah...I collapsed on the floor outside. How does Joshua handle it to see them every day? I don't risk open the door again, I shouldn't even stay here for a single more second. I leave everything as it is, close the front door really well, start my car and go back to my apartment. I didn't know one more shock was waiting for me there.

I was so exhausted from this unrealistic incident. I opened my apartment door and was met with another surprise. My feet got stuck in their place. It was more shocking than those ghosts. Joshua is on the couch, busy with something and someone is standing just behind him. I can't believe my eyes. It's...it's me. Another me. Looking so petrifying, cracked face as if I'm dead.

"J-Joshua?" My voice came out so weak. 

He looks at me and smiles, "You're home! Look, I made your portrait,"

My portrait? How can I see it? My hand tries to find my amulet, then I realize. Oh my God! I forgot my necklace at his place. The other me looks at me and smiles spreading its arms to Joshua. Without wasting any time, before I try to hurt my baby, I mean, my ghost harms him, I snatch the portrait from his hand and tear it into pieces. It vanished in an instant. I took a breath of relief. 

Joshua looked so disappointed by my act, that I tore the sketch he made for me. "You didn't like it?" he said

"Did you dream about me last night?" I asked instead. He hesitated first then nodded his head. "Listen, you won't draw anything you dream about, okay?" I said. He wasn't paying attention, he was trying to collect the pieces of paper. I took his face in my hands and said again looking straight into his eyes, "Did you hear what I said? Don't. Ever. Draw. Anything. You. Dream. And it's a warning!" 

He just stares at me and blinks, then frowns after thinking something, "What did you do to my paintings?"

I gulped and said, "I burned them,"

"No, you did not," he said in disbelief

"Yes, I did,"

He got up and tries to go out. "Where are you going?" I said

"My home,"

I ran and grabbed his wrist, "No! Don't,"

"Let me go," he struggles to get out of my grip.

"Don't go there, Joshua, its-"

"Leave me! You can't just go to my home and do anything you want," he cries. It's my first time seeing him this angry.

"You are not understanding me, you don't know what just happened there,"

"I don't want to listen to you. Let me go, I wanna go back to my home,"

"Joshua!" I yell, he flinches and stops struggling. I grasp his hand firmly and takes him inside. I make him sit on the couch, "Sit here," I said showing my index finger, "Now, you'll listen to me only. From now on, you will never paint anything related to any of your dreams, that's an order!" I said sternly

He remained silent for a moment looking at his feet, and then mumbled, "You're behaving like my father,"

"It killed your mother, Joshua!"

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