[chapter15] like I said

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"uhh- Taehyung , can we talk for a minute??" Jimin said awkwardly.

Taehyung shifted his gaze at Y/n. 

"of course, you guys talk. Let me bring something to eat." with that she went outside.

"I think I know who did this to you." Jimin said.

"don't worry, I get it, too. It's Sehun, right??" Taehyung smirked.

"how did you know??" Jimin asked curiously.

"Don't you get it? He's the only one who has the nerve to try to kill the mafia boss  so openly" Taehyung said.

"well, you have a point there, but why would he do that after all these years?" Jimin asked.

"well, looks like the war has started." Taehyung smirked.

"tell everyone to abort every mission they have and come back by tomorrow. I don't wanna waste any time." Taehyung said.

"Noted!" Jimin smiled.

just then the door opened revealing Y/n with a box.

"I'll get going then. Goodbye, Pumpkin. Take care of yourself!" with that Jimin went out.

then she sat beside Taehyung opening the boxes.

she noticed that Taehyung was annoyed by something.

"You can always share with me, you know?" she said without looking at him.

"should I?" Taehyung asked.

"well, if you want!" she replied.

"then let me tell you, I don't like it when Jimin calls you pumpkin. Only I can call you with nicknames." he spilled all of his irritation in one breath.

Y/n was dumbfounded by his sudden words.

suddenly she started laughing.

"yeah, laugh all you want!" Taehyung said.

"I'm sorry! but why are you so annoyed by that?" Y/n giggled.

"because You're  mine!" Taehyung smiled.

then there was an awkward silence between then which Taehyung couldn't get at all.

"oh, The soup will get cold." Y/n said.

after a while

Taehyung was in the bathroom while Y/n was in deep thinking. after he got out, he noticed that Y/n looked like she was thinking about something.

"what are you thinking so deeply in that small brain of yours?" Taehyung asked.

Y/n glared at him and then sighed, "well, I was thinking if Cinderella was a baker slave, so would her name be mozzarella?"

Taehyung was dumbfounded by her words.

"You and your freaking imaginations!" Taehyung sighed as he was not even surprised anymore.

"no, like don't you ever wonder that revenge is ice-cream??" she curiously asked.

"no, how?" Taehyung asked.

"once I read in a book that revenge is the best dish served cold, then I read on another book tha revenge is sweet, so isn't revenge ice-cream?"

"well you have a point there." Taehyung said.

[that's how their days went in the hospital] 

after a few days

"hey guys, guess what!!" Jungkook said out of nowhere.

"what?" lisa asked.

"recently I just watched a movie! The wife's brutally  killed by a cold-blooded killer and the son gets really hurt. then there's a twist the son gets kidnapped. The father begins a quest to find his son with the help of a mentally ill female." he replied.

"waah! I wanna watch that movie! tell me the name??" Lisa asked.

"Finding Nemo.." 

"you son of a ......!!" 

Y/n started laughing.

"I'm not even surprised anymore!!" Taehyung said chewing popcorn.

"yaah!! this is called sense of humor!! I learned it from Jin Hyung!" Jungkook said.

"great!!! I'm so proud of you!!!" Taehyung said mockingly.

Suddenly a loud bang was heard in front of the front door.

Taehyung quickly grabbed Y/n hand and put her behind his back.

"yaaah!! I'm done with this hell. I told you many times to get a bell in the front!! when will you guys mature??"Jin said frustrated.

Taehyung sighed seeing them, "hyung, you should've told me you all would come today!' 

"how would I tell you?? Even I didn't knew that I would come today??" Jin  uttered.

"now where is my Y/n??" Jin asked looking around for Y/n.

"I'm here, oppa!!" Y/n said hugging Jin tightly.

"did someone forget about me?" Namjoon said.

"joon oppa!!" Y/n jumped to hug him.

"where is yoongi oppa??" Y/n asked.

"here!" Yoongi said coming out of nowhere.




That's all for today guys!!


what do think she did??

what do think she did??

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