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A/n: doesn't go with the os

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A/n: doesn't go with the os.

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James Potter and Regulus Black have talked in private without Sirius. They've developed small crushes then it turned into a snog fest. They've been seeing each other for a long time. James was too afraid to tell Sirius and so was Regulus. James was afraid to tell Sirius, he was scared of losing his best friend.

Lily Evans thought James matured, he hadn't asked her out or flirted with her. She thought he was respecting her. She watched him from afar she started liking him.  She got the courage to ask him out.

"Potter" Lily smiled softly at him ( his face did not light up like usual ).

"Yes?" He questioned not looking up from his book.

"James it's Evans" Sirius said confused

"Okay, yes Evans?" James asked rolling his eyes at his friend.

"So um there's a Hogsmead's trip this weekend. I was wondering if you wanted to come with me?" Lily smiled

James said nothing not knowing what to say. He just stared at her shocked with his mouth agape.

"I'll take that as a yes! Meet me in the common room before" Lily said leaving him with smile on her face.

"Mate! You got her!" Sirius cheered

"I-I need to— I'll be back" James left his friend who just thought he was taking it in.

James did not know what to do. He didn't reject her, he didn't say no. James looked at Regulus giving him a look to meet him in their spot. The Astronomy tower.

"James" Regulus smiled going into the room to see a nervous James Potter.

"Reg, Evans she um asked me out" James said making Regulus face fall.

"Oh" was all Regulus could say

"Yeah" James said awkwardly

"Y-you're leaving me aren't you" Regulus said with his voice cracking.

"What? No!" James said

"What did you tell her then?" Regulus asked

"I didn't say anything. She took my silence as a yes" James said

"Of course. She was your dream girl" Regulus said his eyes teary he didn't want to cry but he couldn't help it "she was the girl you liked since first year. Now you have her. I was so stupid" he added walking away from him.

"No Reggie. I don't want her, not anymore." James said taking his hands.

"You didn't tell her no" Regulus said looking down

"I was shocked. I thought she never wanted to be with me. And I didn't know what to say. I was about to tell her no but she was gone already. And Sirius was congratulating me" James explained

"James," Regulus sighed

"No!" James argued

"I-if it's true tell her no. Tell her no, tell her you're over her" Regulus said

"Okay" James nodded

"Don't tell her you can't go cause you're busy or anything. Say you're not interested or you're over her. Please" Regulus whispered in the end. He was insecure and James saw it, he grabbed his face in his hands making Regulus look in his eyes.

"I don't want her. I'll go tell her, I want you Reggie not her. I only want you" James smiled making Regulus smile softly as well.

"Okay" Regulus nodded leaning to kiss him when their lips met they couldn't contain the smile they had.


"Evans!" James called out walking towards the red head who smiled at him.

"P-James hey!" Lily smiled

"Look Evans, I-I'm not interested anymore" James sighed

"What? T-then why'd you say yes?" Lily asked confused to why he never said no.

"I didn't say yes. You just assumed I did" James denied

"Wh-oh." Lily sighed disappointed "well of course I assumed because people are telling me that you're in love with me" she hissed

"Well I'm not. I'm over you, I have been for two years now" James said

"Whatever" Lily glared walking away angrily

"Thank you" Regulus smiled

"Of course, I wasn't gonna go with her. I just really needed to tell you. Want to go to my dorm?" James questioned

"Yeah" Regulus smiled as they walked towards James' room. He was head boy so he got to have his own room.

They went into his bed crawling in to just cuddle. James held Regulus knowing how horrible Regulus felt about himself. He never thought he was enough for James. The prince of Gryffindor with a snake. No. They didn't work. But James never cared, he loved Regulus and Regulus loved James.

"I love you" James whispered into Regulus ear

"I love you" Regulus smiled looking up kissing the side of his lips making the older boy smirk.

"You missed" James said

"No, I don't think I did" Regulus shook his head smiling.

"You did" James said leaning to capture his lips succeeding once he felt the younger boy wrap his arms around his neck.


I do not ship Jily I'm sorry. 🤷🏽‍♀️

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