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"do you want some tea?" i turned questioningly to my brother, who was still sitting sleepily at the kitchen table. his hair was tousled and his eyes were staring into space. takeru just shook his head and wordlessly shoveled cornflakes into his mouth.

takashi came to mind again, and i shook slightly. lost in thought, i drank my tea, searching for a way to ask takeru.

"huh, takeru?" i mumbled shyly.

takeru turned his head, looked at me. "what?"

"do you know anyone named mitsuya takashi?"

his eyes darkened, his features froze, and i abruptly regretted asking him. "yes. why?"

"how do you know him?"

"none of your business" he replied rudely and moved away from the table.

i looked after him, confused - how strange. my mood worsened even more when i looked out the window and noticed that it was pouring rain. sighing, i drank my tea, and then went upstairs to get dressed.

after saying goodbye to my family, i stepped outside. cold and wet hit me - what a terrible day. my umbrella squeaked as i stretched it out and for a moment i thought it would break, but finally i decided to walk with hesitant steps to the bus stop.

with a quick glance at my phone, i realized that i still had 3 minutes to wait, so i put on my headphones and turned up the volume.

"what's wrong, y/n? you're acting weird." hina looked at me seriously after class.

i was just opening my mouth to answer when emma, the third of us came and smiled at us. "are we going to eat?"

nodding, the three of us walked towards the cafeteria. after putting food on our plates, we sat down at a table.

"so.. what's up y/n?" hinata raised an eyebrow.

"i'm just tired" i mumbled.

"don't fuck with us" emma grumbled, biting into her milk bread.

"no really! i couldn't sleep tonight"

"and why not?"

i bit my lip. "don't know if you really want to know..it's pretty creepy."

hina grinned, it was so obvious. "tell me."

"well.. i've got a weird message" i paused for a moment. "it's really creepy. so i was in the park yesterday and.. i met a boy" the two looked at me with a knowing look.

"what's his name? is he good looking?"

"his name is takashi. and well he's kind of a bad boy or drug dealer. i don't know."

"oh" they both mouthed off.

"and he asked me if he could borrow my phone to call someone.. but then immediately gave it back to me. and since then i've got a message"

they looked at me questioningly.

"what kind of messages?"

"well..i was taking a shower, came back to the room to put a shirt on..and i got a message."

"what did it say?" asked emma impatiently.


after school ended, it had stopped raining, so i walked along the park, enjoying the warmth of the sun's rays on my skin. when i finally got near our house, i took off the headphones, put them in my bag. i was about to turn around the hedge into our garden when i heard voices. stopping, i peeked through the hedge.

my brother was standing at the door frame with a darkly dressed boy.

"i need the money" said the familiar voice. takashi spoke slowly, had his hands sunk in his pants pockets.

he needed money? why from my brother out of all people?

takeru looked at him in near panic. "i promise i'll get it together. please be patient a little longer"

"alright. meet me at the park on sunday at 7 pm. and if you don't have the money then..well, i guess you know what happens then, right?" he sounded friendly, although there was a slight threat in his words. my brother didn't reply anything, just slammed the door on takashi's face.

takashi laughed softly, turned around and walked along the path to the garden gate, shaking his head.

i felt my heart beating fast in my chest and stumbled back a few steps as he got closer and closer. i fell onto the sidewalk, hissed in pain just as takashi turned around the corner. his eyes fell on me and he grinned.

"hello y/n" his eyes sparkled at me.

"hi" i mumbled, scrambling to my feet and patting my dirty hands on my jeans.

"were you eavesdropping?" he tilted his head, looked at me with a mixture of annoyance and delight.

"n-no," i tried to walk past him, but he held me back by the shoulder. his grip was firm, but not rough.

"why do you always lie to me?" takashi narrowed his eyes slightly.

"i-i don't" i whispered weakly, tried to release his hand from my shoulder, but he tightened his grip.

"see, again"

"okay.. i have to go now" i tried to walk past him, but he turned so that he blocked my way to the garden gate.

"is this how you say goodbye?" takashi laughed.

i didn't say anything back - i didn't know what to say.

"goodbye, y/n" he breathed, leaned down to kiss me on the cheek. his lips briefly brushed my skin gently and when he broke away from me, i stood there transfixed.

takashi grinned at me, pulled out a cigarette and took a lighter from his pocket. still grinning, he put the cigarette between his lips, taking a deep drag.

slowly, he walked down the street and after he reached the corner, he turned to me again.

"nice hoodie"

upside down, mitsuya takashi ✓Where stories live. Discover now