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the lights blurred into a continuous, sparkling band as i drove through the city at top speed. the wind was blowing through my hair and my left hand, in which i was holding a half-smoked cigarette, was propped up on the cool paint of my car.

i tapped the embers of the cigarette, half concentrating on the traffic and half on what had just happened. what had happened was what i feared most.

i had involved y/n in the whole mess.

furiously i put the cigarette to my lips, took a drag before exhaling the smoke again. fucking shit.

i hit the steering wheel with the flat of my hand, shaking my head in frustration.

why did everything in my life always go wrong?

my eyes flickered over the rearview mirror, and my own angry eyes stared at me while i cursed myself for not killing hanma.

suddenly the car in front of me slowed down and i slammed on the brakes as the asshole made a quick turn. i gave him the middle finger, immediately stepping on the gas all the way down again when i had a clear run.

my best friend was sitting on the couch when i entered the apartment, limping slightly. "finally. what have you been doing there for so long?" chifuyu grumbled as i walked in the door, but immediately fell silent when he saw my face. "fuck, what happened to you?"

"fight," i reached for the powerade chifuyu was currently holding and put it to my lips. the cool liquid washed away the taste of blood in my mouth a bit, though not completely.


"hanma and his troupe."

chifuyu's mouth was wide open. "hope you showed him, would be embarrassing if you didn't"

i grinned widely. "of course i did" i grumbled in confirmation, dropping down on the couch next to him.

"but you got a little bit of a beating too. seriously, you look like you got run over by a truck" he snatched the drink out of my hand, toasted me and took a sip.

annoyed, i looked at him.

"don't look at me like that, takashi!" i made no effort to avert my scowl from him and finally he sighed. "as your official best friend, it's my job to tell you when you look like shit. and right now, that's the case," he patted my shoulder in amusement.

"okay that's enough," i shook his arm off, taking the drink from his hand. "you're acting like a complete asshole right now. i'm going to bed," i stood up, stretching and running my hands through my disheveled hair.

"sleep tight"

"you too" i called back, slamming the door behind me.


man, he had some nerve. there was a rustle, and i turned to the other side. "what time is it?"

"almost 5 pm"

i groaned in annoyance as i realized how long i had been asleep, but still didn't feel fit enough to get up. the pain was now pulsing through my veins where hanma had hit me, and once again i regretted not breaking his neck.

"takashi, please get up"

i turned to chifuyu, looking at him sleepily, he looked at me seriously and my gaze drifted to the keys in his hand.

upside down, mitsuya takashi ✓Where stories live. Discover now