⤷ 7

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"no, you're not going out now. suma from the garage called earlier, it's an emergency, you have to go help him" i heard mom yell, what could be so important that he would skip work?

"but mom! takashi forgot something here, i have to bring it to him, he really needs it" takeru spoke in a low, pleading voice.

"y/n can bring it over for you. right, y/n?" mom called out and i turned around.


"come on in" mom ordered. on wobbly legs i walked into the living room and stood in front of my mom and brother. takeru had an envelope in his hand, was that the money for the drugs? no! i wouldn't do that!

"no, i want to bring it to him myself," takeru insisted.

"now don't make such a drama. y/n knows takashi, and i still want her to apologize to him for her behavior anyway, so," she forcibly took the envelope from takeru, held it out to me, "y/n will go there."

slowly i held out my hand.

"thanks. be back by 7 pm for dinner" mom said happily, leaving the living room.

takeru and i looked at each other.

"i'm not going there" hissing, i tried to give the envelope back to him.

"i have to go now, the meeting point is at 5 pm, by the fountain in the park"

impatiently, i drummed my fingertips on the cold stone next to me and excitedly glanced around the park, then saw him.

after a few seconds, which seemed like a small eternity, takashi turned his head, looking at me.

"well. how nice to see you again..y/n"

"hi" i breathed softly, leaning against the fountain.

"what a surprise to see you here, where is takeru?" he slowly came closer.

my eyes fell on his two colleagues. "why don't we take a walk and i'll tell you? alone"

"hakkai, michi. you heard her ..go ahead" takeru mumbled without taking his eyes off me.

he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me along, but as soon as we were out of sight, he strengthened his gentle grip around my waist and became rough.

"so," takashi whispered as we turned into a dark part of the park, pulling me into the shade of a tree and pressing me against the trunk "where is your brother?" he hissed.

"at work" i stuttered, and something in takashi's look told me he didn't believe me.

"so working, huh? he doesn't believe that himself, does he?"

"but it's true," i affirmed, looking at him pleadingly.

takashi laughed out loud. "and why did he send you of all people? his little sister? wasn't he supposed to protect you from guys like me?" he breathed and came a little bit closer.

"it wasn't takeru who sent me."

"then who did?"

i blushed. "my mother"

"and why?"

"she wanted me to apologize to you"

takashi grinned. "for what?"

"for being so.. mean to you"

"you could have been meaner," he grinned. "do you have the money?"

i pushed the envelope into his hand.

"good. then we have this"

"and.. what have you been up to the last few days?" i asked quietly.

takashi laughed. "are you seriously trying to have a normal conversation with me now, y/n? it's not going to work."

"and why not?"

"because i'm not normal"

"oh, that's right. you're the one stalking normal girls and scaring them with creepy text messages" i muttered, looking down at the ground

"and kissing them against their will" suddenly i felt his index finger on my chin, and takashi gently raised my head.

"sounds like you've done this many times" my voice was a whisper.

he leaned forward, stopped just before his lips touched mine. "none have resisted yet" he mumbled evasively, giving me a soft kiss until i realized what was happening.

"until now" i squeezed out between him and the tree.

there was one thing i wanted to know since the first time we met.

"can i ask you something?"

"it depends" suspiciously, he looked at me.

"why me?" i finally said, turned my head to look at takashi.

he looked at me questioningly.

"why are you so fixated on me?"

takashi smiled at me the way you would smile at a naive little girl. "who says i'm only fixated on you?"

and there it was. a little twinge, right in the heart.

so takashi was just playing with me, he had even kissed me. and it was all a lie, right?

i slapped him - a loud clap was heard as my hand hit his cheek "asshole" i snapped between compressed lips and then ran away as fast as i could.

upside down, mitsuya takashi ✓Where stories live. Discover now