⤷ 19

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by now it had been 24 hours since the party - 24 hours of uncertainty.

darkness enveloped me. the cold of the metal wall pressed against my cheek and sleep as i leaned against it, and my stomach growled.

i had been in this small cell for an eternity and it was driving me crazy.

i had lost track of time, since there were no windows in this room and i hadn't seen any daylight for an eternity that i had been stuck in this cell.

my eyelids fluttered open when a loud jerking at the heavy door announced that someone was probably visiting me.

i remained sitting on the floor, staring at the door as it slowly opened, and i was glad when mikey stuck his head in.

"psht, takashi! are you okay?" he whispered softly.

wasn't that obvious?

"am i okay? do i look okay? how did you get in here?"

"no time to explain. come on, before the guard wakes up again."

"you'll help me get away?" i asked, scrambling to my feet.

"when are we ever going to let either of us hang? come on now".

we rushed out of the cell and mikey threw the door shut behind us, my eyes falling on the policeman slumped on the floor in the moonlight shining in through the window.

i looked first at him, and then at mikey. "what did you give him?"

he shrugged. "sleeping pills. honestly, that was chifuyu's idea, do you have any idea why they need that at the police station?"

"i don't know but get us out of here. now"

"follow me" said mikey and he slowly walked towards one of the office rooms.

as i followed him like this, my eyes fell on one of the cameras mounted in the upper corner of the room.

"mikey? the cameras?" i hissed, pulling up my hood. mikey shook his head, "don't worry, they're off. nahoya, souya and hakkai took care of it" he whispered.

we climbed down a small fire escape placed next to the office window and i spoke down the last few rungs.

we walked down the street at a striking speed until we turned into a narrow alley and the lights of the street faded somewhat.

when we were far enough away from the police station, mikey started laughing.

"man, that was another badass move," he said, patting me on the shoulder.

"i'm hungry"

"me too, let's go"

he led me out of the street, through the park to a burger joint that was hidden in a side alley.

we were about to walk closer to it when i saw the people standing at the entrance. i started cursing, turned on the spot and ran in the opposite direction.

upside down, mitsuya takashi ✓Where stories live. Discover now