5. Coming Together Part Two: Rose and the new kids

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It's been about a month since Natalie left, and I haven't really found any friends. Or at least, real friends. But there were two new kids that showed up today, they weren't related in any way, they just happened to move around the same time. It seemed strange though, but I just shook it off, it had to have been just some freak coincidence. Anyways, I, Rose, was chosen to be their tour guide. Not that I was pleased with that, I mean I would've have enjoyed reading a book in HomeRoom way more than showing two guys around the school. I'm still not sure why they picked me, I mean, two guys, and one girl. That's pushing it a little.

"Hey... Um Rose..." One of the guys said concerned. "You okay? You look a little... Lost."

"Yea I'm fine," I smiled. "Just in deep thought. This dude look extremely familiar though, he had blond hair, but his eyes, they seemed to have a red tint to them. The other guy look familiar too, with his spiked black hair, and cat like green eyes. Must I add, I had no clue who these people were. But I was just drawn to them, it was like I knew them.

"So... are you gonna keep spacing out or show us around?" The guy with the spiked hair asked.

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry," I said. God I had to keep my thoughts under control. I showed them around the school, pointed to where the popular kids hung out, and where the nerds, jocks ect. I also told them where the office was, what wings belonged to which grade, all that great stuff.

"Hey Rose?" The dude with blond hair asked. "Do you care if we sit next to you at lunch?"

"Not at all...." I replied, trailing off because they hadn't told me their names.

"Oh," said the blond guy. "My name is Max."

"And my name is Jace," added the spiked hair guy.

"Well it's nice to meet you Max, and Jace. But we should probably head to class, Max, you have classes with me so you can follow me. Jace I know a few people in your classes, if you see Emily, she's pretty nice, so you could partner with her." I explained to them.

"Ok," they agreed in unison. And with that, me and Max headed to class, while Jace went the opposite direction.

At lunch we had the table all to ourselves, it was great. We actually had a lot of things in common. Which was surprising because they were guys and I was a girl. Then we started talking about ghosts, and I realized the tension was rising when we reached the topic, witches and warlocks.

"So have you met any witches?" Jace snickered.

"Actually I have," I replied. They noticed I wasn't smiling and I was being serious. So I watch the smiles from their face fade too. "Me and my friend are actually."

"Woah, woah, woah, woah, wait." Max said. "Have you guys been having any visions about a book, and a burnt house.?"

"Yeah," Jace and I replied.

"So we all know about Menodora and our past selfs?" Max asked.

"Yup," Jace and I said popping the 'p'.

Do you guys know the ancient Wiccan language though?" I questioned them.

"Is that those weird symbol things?" Jace asked.

"Yea, they look like this," I said jotting down a few of the letters on a napkin.

"Yea, I know what it is," Jace confirmed.

"Do you know Max?" I turned to him.

"It looks really familiar, I don't know how to write with it though," said Max.

"Ok well now that that's out of the way. Do you all know of the others? There's my friend who's one, me, and you guys.... So that means two other people are missing."

"Well I have no clue who they are, maybe you could try asking your friend. You said she moved, so it's most likely she found another one of us." Jace leaned back in his chair, messing with his hair, God he had a big ego. But that had to have been the most sensible thing he said all day.

"Yea I guess your right," I said thinking.

"Ha! I'm always right," Jace boasted.

"Ugh! You're such a braggart!" I exclaimed.

"A what?" Jace asked.

I sighed, "a braggart, someone who boasts..."

"What does boast mean?" He said even more confused.

"Ugh, just forget it..." I said. The bell rung, everyone dumped their trays and headed back to class. Me and Jace say goodbye and me and Max walked to class. It seemed like everything was coming together, but it still felt as though something, or someone was missing.

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