𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐋𝐚𝐝𝐲

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she smiled down at you as Markle tried to change the cloth on your forehead.

You snatched his wrist before he could. You twisted his arm and sat up so your arm was around his neck.

"What do you want." You asked sternly glaring into Sofie's kind brown eyes.

"Please let him go. We only want to help. We found you badly hurt near a wrecked ship. We only wanted to help you."

You relaxed your grip a but and Markl managed to get free and ran into Sofie's arms.

"Where am I. What kind of magical place is this?" You asked throwing the knitted blanket off your legs.

"Your in Howl's moving castle. Calcifer takes care of this place."

You still looked confused so she explained how the castle worked. How the doorknob's colours could take you different places and how she had arrived around 3 weeks ago while in the wastes.

You sat and listened. The realisation began to set in. You had been shot down by your own Kingdom. They had tried to kill you. No they must not have recognised you. They wouldn't...right?

"And so now I work and live here as a cleaning lady." Sofie finished. "Markl is Howl's apprentice, he's training to be a wizard one day." 

Markle nodded rapidly.

"When can I leave?" You asked trying to hide the sadness in your voice.

"When you're healed. Master howl might let you live before then."

You wrinkled your nose at his name. You had been taught by Madame Sulimann that Howl was a traitor too the kingdom. He had made deals with a demon and left his apprenticeship will her. 

"He's not what everyone thinks he is." Sofie said placing her hand on your shoulder.

You didn't answer but stood and hobbled towards the kitchen.

Sofie's POV:

Poor child. 

Oh gosh is my mind growing old with this curse?

I had been roaming the lovely flower garden Howl had shown me when I stumbled upon them in the wreckage.

Markl and I had taken them to the castle and Markl tried to fix their broken bones with magic but could only do so much. 

I had found a burned notebook in the wreckage with the name Y/n Sora in on the back of the cover.

I assumed that was their name.

Y/n could only have been a year or two younger than I was. Young me not this horrible old form that accursed witch of the waste had put on me.

I felt for Y/n. They were war torn but still could only have been 19 or 20. Calcifer told me that he sensed that they were a witch/wizard and to be cautious.

I was watching Y/n stumble across the living area to the kitchen table. They were wearing the clothes I had set out of them earlier.

They lay sat half fell into one of the chairs and leaned their head back. They were quite attractive. The way their hair moved and their angry eyes were strangely beautiful/handsome in a way.

"Markle come help with breakfast please." I said turning  back to the fire.

"Just throw water on me already! I'm a slaveeeeeee" Cal whined flaring up a bit. 

"Oh shut up you whiney baby." I snapped back. He was very annoying but Calcifer and Markle held a special place in my heart even if I hadn't known them for very long. 

Since Y/n works for the king I worry how Y/n will react when Howl arrives.

If he come's home.

Please come home Howl.

Normal POV:

"Fork?" Markle asked holding a shiny silver fork in y/n's face.

"Thanks." Y/n muttered as they began to eat.

Sofie had made bacon, eggs, and toast. You hate to admit it but it was delicious. She was truly a gifted cook. Even the chef at the palace would never be able to make such mouthwatering food.

In the middle of eating your set your silver ware down.

"Where's the bathroom?" Y/n asked hurriedly.

"Second floor why-" Before Sofie could finished her sentence you had gotten and and ran to the sink.

Vomit and stomach acid burned your throat as you threw it up into the sink.

Sofie and Markle rushed to your side holding your hair back and running the water.

"Are you alright?!" Markle asked 

"I'm..fine." You said trying to catch your breath.

"No you're not come and sit. Markl put the tea on." Sofie said holding your waist and walking you back to the table. She handed you a napkin and began to inspect all your injuries.

While she was unwrapping the bandages on your stomach she gasped.

"What is it?" You asked calmly.

"It's infected. We'll need a potion to heal that. We'll need Howl." She responded

"No. I'm not letting that filthy traitor touch me." You snarled.

"Y/n please it's going to-"

The sound of the door opening and closing cut off Sofie.

Markle ran to the stairs and smiled in delight.

"Master Howl! You're home!"








Authors note:

Sorry guys this chapter was kinda short.

I want to make it clear again that Y/n is a soldier and a magician so they haven't been taught to express their feelings or allow other to help them.

This is all a new experience for Y/n. 

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