Six ♥

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"What color are you at Y/N?" It took you a moment to recall what he meant. Traffic light, how you felt. The instructions finally registered in your mind.

"Green, Sir."

Four and five landed in quick succession, loud sharp sounds echoing across the quiet room. You would have felt the shiny sting of them except his finger was curling deliciously slowly inside you. The tip of that digit swirling a pattern against your tight walls and that kept you holding your breath, tense and ready for satisfaction, almost unaware of anything else. Yoongi's long beautiful fingers that had held his chopsticks so skillfully just a few minutes ago now engaged into your depth. You wanted to be his meal.

"Four, five," you faithfully recited straining to keep your voice free from any indication of your desire.

At six you felt Yoongi's thumb graze the side of your clit and the first shiver coursed through you. He had never said you couldn't move, he didn't correct the reaction thankfully. It was one thing to not make noise but another to remain a statue under his pointed attention. You said six but in your head you were just hearing the crackle of lightning and the blood rushing in your ears.

"You're so red kitten," Yoongi delivered seven then eight pausing slightly to hear you squeak out your counts. "I think I'm going to need to kiss it all better soon."

His cool palm smoothed over the hot roundness of your ass, soothing the skin, calming your rapidly firing heartbeat. But he didn't intend on letting you rest. His thumb which had carefully laid against your sensitive bud now danced across it and you could feel your wetness dripping between your legs.

"Damn baby girl, you're so responsive to my touch."

Yoongi dipped two fingers from his other hand down your opening then held them up to you. Your fluid was glistening on them, and you watched as he licked them clean, murmuring appreciation for your taste. He leaned forward using those same fingers fresh from his mouth to tilt your chin up and kissed you. Immediately his tongue swept into your mouth and you tasted your juices still lingering there.

His thumb was strumming an easy rhythm on your clit, his finger inside you now tapping upward just below the back of it. You were on fire. Forget that your ass was actually radiating with heat, your insides had flames flicking clear to your brain. You couldn't think, only feel as he drew back from the kiss and smiled at you dangerously.

"I bet you think I forgot nine and ten, Y/N?" Yoongi's pressed his finger deeper into your depths. There it was, right against your g spot, the wave of your orgasm started. You felt panic and overcome with need.

"Rule four, you never cum without my permission." His growl of a laugh had you holding your breath, begging your body to calm. Yoongi seemed to know how close you were already. He wasn't relenting, his fingers torturing you with exquisite precision.

"If you follow all the rules kitten, and take your last two like a good girl, I'll give you what you want." Yoongi's lips were at your ear lobe speaking softly. His body arched over you making you aware of his heat and scent. "Are you ready?"

"Yes Sir," you'd had to swallow twice, force the lump in your throat to slide down far enough to allow sounds to come out.

His hand came down again, not harder than before but the break had given your skin time to become less use to the slaps. Your teeth snapped shut silently as you willed yourself to maintain control. You counted aloud but barely a whisper. How could you not roll over the edge of your orgasm? His fingers, his thumb, his body. How much stimuli could someone's brain really process? You were over stimulated and felt like you'd fail any second.

"Yellow, Sir."

"You can do this baby girl, hold on for me, Y/N." The utter tenderness of his words, breath on the shell of your ear gave you confidence. You weren't going to think about how his actions on your body directly contradicted those syllables.

Ten was less harsh than the previous nine, the sound settling you, pulling you back from the jeopardy of failure. When you could think again you realized Yoongi had pulled away from your body, sitting up straight again and was rubbing the pain from your ass. You readied yourself, you'd met his challenge, you'd been so good. He'd promised you would get exactly what you wanted. The loudness of your pending orgasm was right there and you wanted to take it in. He still stroked his rhythm into your tightness and it would take only his permission to end your agony.

"Good girl, I'm so proud of your control." His hands were off your body as he spoke. They flew away from your ass and slipped from your wetness with a suddenness that had you tasting blood from biting your lip to maintain silence. Your eyes fluttered closed as your peak danced away, taunting you. You wanted to cry, tears spiked your lashes making your vision blurry when you opened them again. You couldn't even read his face. You'd won, you'd done as he asked, what happened?

"Why so emotional kitten?" His dark eyes on you were neutral, as though he hadn't any clue why you were incensed. "I said you'd get what you want, trust me."

He pulled the pillow from beneath your hips and rolled you over again to your back. Your ass screamed pain into your head as it touched the soft bed cover. He tucked the pillow under your head and arms and you looked down the length of your body at him. Yoongi's smile was beautiful as he lifted his shirt over his head, rounded shoulders and long arms with corded muscles revealed. His torso was pale but defined nicely despite his slim frame. He knelt on the bed at your ankles and licked his bottom lip slowly, seeming to admire your form.

"Rule number three is suspended. I want to hear all your noises while I lick every drop of your wetness, Y/N." He'd crawled between your legs and his kiss against your inner thigh dragged out your first gasping moan.

"That's my favorite music."

(A/N Yoongi would really love if you voted and so would I 💜💜💜💜🥺)

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