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Min Yoongi had made good on his promise, while you cleared the table from your late lunch he furiously typed on his phone ordering groceries for you. You felt a little guilty but he was enjoying himself so much, teasing you about bananas and picking out items that you went with it. After it was done he kissed you on the lips softly, arms rigidly holding your bodies apart.

"Boring kitten. Tomorrow at 8am." Then Yoongi left. You wanted to beg him to stay but thought better of it. You wondered how badly he'd messed up his schedule to track you down and wait for you all day? The amount of effort he was putting in was astronomical in comparison and you wanted that to change.

YN: I unblocked your number

MY: Good girl, next time you block me it will be 20 not 10

YN: I thought this was going to be strictly boring?

MY: I'm not going to use my hand

YN: what???????

MY: Just setting the expectation

You set your phone down, a mixture of excitement and fear curling through your stomach. You wanted to block his number and find out what he meant but at the same time it was comforting to know he was just a text away.

You lifted your phone again, scrolling through your best friend's messages. Spending time with Yoongi was going to change how you felt about Amelia being away. You'd barely noticed her absence when Seojun was around. Sure, you missed her, she was your best friend after all, but the loneliness hid it's ugly head when other people were around.

Maybe it was you that was the problem, was it really her fault if you'd kept to yourself and didn't make friends? You were the same way back home, always waiting for her to invite you to a party or find out the latest hang out. You needed to do what you'd said to Yoongi and find your own spark.


You got up early the next morning to dress in the cute outfit you'd picked last night, doing two loads of last minute laundry to make sure you'd catch Yoongi's eye. A jean skirt that was a perfectly flirty length with a blue ruffled top that showed just a tiny slice of midriff when you stretched just right. Your hair was comfortable in your favorite style and your make up minimal. He'd seen you barefaced and messy yesterday, somehow you didn't feel like you needed to put on a full face today. You were pulling on your slip on sneakers when your phone buzzed on your bed.

MY: I'm downstairs

Your heart raced, he was early, but only a couple minutes, you ran to your bathroom, spritzing cherry perfume and dancing through it's mist. You were ready to have a date with him, but also felt apprehension, your connection still feeling fragile from it's recent turmoil.

"Hey kitten," he leaned across the center console to grasp your chin and pull you forward for a light kiss on your lips, "you smell delicious." His gummy smile made you want to kiss him again but he'd already turned back to the steering wheel, reaching out to loop his fingers through yours before he shifted into drive.

You glanced at his outfit, he looked comfortable and soft in a bright white shirt and jeans that weren't exactly baggy or tight. They traced his long legs and form nicely. Yoongi always looked put together and relaxed in his clothing, never like he was trying too hard.

"Where are we going? You said you have to keep things low-key to avoid being recognized?" His hand wrapped through yours had settled into your lap, and you watched as his fingers toyed with the hem of your skirt absently.

"Ihwa Mural Village, it's a little outside of town, but it's quiet, beautiful, and best of all the people it attracts are unlikely to be my fans." He noticed his fingers now, twisting against the edge of your skirt and he slid his hand a safer distance to your knee.

The date was perfection. Walking hand in hand through the twisting streets of the village, urban artwork that blended with the towering staircases, winding walls, and natural beauty of an older neighborhood. Yoongi had been right, no one paid any attention to the two of you, but he'd still chosen to wear a hat pulled down low on his face.

He tugged you into different shops and cafe's, sweet tea in one, a very old woman with calloused hands poured tea from a weathered teapot into tiny cups. While you sipped she snapped pics of you with Yoongi's cell phone smiling until her eyes disappeared into her wrinkles.

Another shop you held up postcards to each other, laughing over the cheesy quotes or pointing out artwork you'd seen on your walk. He bought one for you of a gorgeous koi painted along a line of steps, then joked if he signed it, someday you could sell it for a new car. Another place you indulged in tiny bites of snacks, feeding each other from crinkled paper bags as you leaned against a crumbling wall overlooking the city.

The entire day he'd barely dropped your hand for more than a minute, never checked his messages, or allowed anything to interrupt the very intense way he watched you. Your cheeks started to ache from how often you smiled, and you sensed he felt the same. At times he'd pulled your body so close to his and just kept you there, the warmth radiating between you. You never wanted to feel any other way. You felt exactly like yourself with him, the best version. When your phone buzzed in your pocket signaling 1:00pm, your two hour warning for getting to work you wished the world would stop spinning and just leave you with him forever.

"Is that the expiration of our date Y/N?" You'd been standing in the circle of his arms, him leaned against the side of a building, looking up at him as he told you about a song he was working on for his group.

"Can we pretend it's not?" He kissed your forehead, then nose, then lips and groaned. The ride back to your apartment was full of more laughter as he told you about his childhood, arguing with his brother over who controlled the radio in their room. One more chaste kiss and you were out of his car watching him pull from the curb and rushing upstairs to change for work.

You swung the door to your apartment open and almost stepped right onto a manila envelope, clearly shoved under your door from the outside. You lifted it, continuing your path into the kitchen, dropping your purse onto the counter. You ripped back the top and frowned as you lifted out a small stack of printed pictures. Each one showing Yoongi in what appeared to be very questionable positions with different half naked girls, what stuck out to you was his outfit, the exact one you remembered from the club two nights ago.

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