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"She's my girlfriend, we were just dancing." Seojun stepped forward reaching around the guy to take your arm. You recoiled and stayed firmly behind the guy who seemed willing to protect you.

"Then go home, sober up and call her tomorrow." He slapped Seojun's hand away.

"He's not my boyfriend." Your head was pounding and you leaned against the guy trying to stop the spinning. He turned looping his forearm against your back and you could feel his muscles tense holding you up.

Seojun didn't follow you, instead watched you being lead from the dance floor. The crowd was moving for you but he was being swept up in its pulse in your wake.

"I'm okay I'll just get a cab home." The words slurred out and you felt hot and mildly nauseous.

"I can't let you go, I already called Yoongi, he's meeting us in the back. I'm Kim Namjoon, that guy isn't going to mess with you anymore, come on." He lifted you off your feet, carrying you bridal style. You looped your arm around his neck feeling slightly embarrassed.

Kim Namjoon? Yoongi? The first sparks of recognition trickled into your brain, this guy was in BTS, you'd even seen him across the street the day you almost hit Yoongi with your car. He must know your name because they'd discussed you, they thought you were a saesang, and now he'd defended you against the very drunk Seojun.

"Thank you for your help but I'm fine, you can put me down." You didn't want to see Yoongi, especially not when you were drunk and upset from being groped by someone you trusted, someone you liked.

"You need to drink some water and calm down, it's private back there and no one will bother you." He continued to walk the crowd thinning now, the cacophony of the club drifting behind you.

"Yoongi is going to bother me." You groaned leaning your forehead into Namjoon's shoulder.

"You're right he's been crazy trying to get in touch with you." He laughed and the sound vibrated through his broad chest. It was too late to protest anymore, he was opening a door and going through and then you were lowered to a couch.

The room was lit softly, couches lining the walls and tables in the middle, bottles of champagne and beers covering most of the surfaces. A couple guys lounged quietly talking to each other but now their attention was on you. Your brain was trying to process everything but you were pretty sure both of them matched other members you'd seen in your BTS research. Thankfully neither was Yoongi.

"Tae will you grab Y/N some water?" Namjoon was crouching in front of you staring into your eyes, his dark dragon eyes concerned. "How are you feeling? You look like you're going to be sick."

"That's Y/N? Like, Yoongi's Y/N?" The second guy slid closer gawking at you, worry in his own eyes. "Does he know she's here?"

"Chill Jimin, I told him, he'll be here in a minute. Go get a bag of ice, she's burning up." His cool palm brushed your forehead, then he lightly eased you back onto the couch. "Rest Y/N." The guy he'd called Tae was back handing you an icy glass of water.

"Sip that slowly, or it will come back up." Tae's voice was deep and smooth, the smile that spread across his face boxy and handsome. About the same time Jimin reappeared and placed a bag of ice wrapped in what looked to be a tshirt against your neck. He fussed over you while Namjoon walked across the room typing on his phone.

"Where's the guy?" Yoongi came through the door, his voice steady and without anger although his features were drawn inward and he looked furious.

"I let him go, it was enough exposing myself out there with her, did you want me to haul him in here too?" Namjoon spoke calmly and you watched their interaction. Why had you thought Yoongi would come barreling through the door all fire and brimstone?

"Y/N." He glanced your way for the first time and just that briefest eye contact sent your stomach into acrobatics, your heart beating faster. "Everyone out."

"No, I don't have anything to say, thanks for the help Namjoon but I'm going." You wobbled to your feet the ice dropping to the couch where Jimin had left it when he stood complying with Yoongi's order. You held the glass of water awkwardly finally sliding it onto the table.

The guys looked to Yoongi and then left not waiting to see how anything would play out between the two of you. The click of the door rattled in your head and you started toward it.

"I don't think so kitten. You got to say quite a lot to me that night, fuck you Yoongi, probably the most memorable. You didn't give me a chance to say my side at all and I think you should hear me out." He was closing the distance and you tried to summon some anger against him. Instead you just wanted him to hold you. Why in the hell would you want that?

"I'm drunk and I'm tired. It's been an awful night I just want to go."

"Why are you dating assholes like that? Namjoon said he had his hands all over you and you were trying to stop him? Has he done that before?" Yoongi was so close now, you could feel the warmth from his body and if you'd just taken half a step forward you could have pressed your face into his shoulder.

He reached out with two fingers and gingerly dabbed your lip. Pain shot through you and you winced despite his gentleness.

"Did he hit you?" Fury was finally finding its way into his voice.

"No. Just a kiss that got too rough." You looked away not wanting to go through every single moment of your encounter with him.

"He's lucky enough to kiss you and he does that? Who is he Y/N? I want his info right now." He'd lifted his phone and was looking at you like you were really about to tell him.

"You're not law enforcement, what can you do?"

"I don't know, nothing. But I need to do something or I'm going to lose my cool." He looked so vulnerable, boyish in his concern for you, his fists opening and closing. Tension rippled through his body, energy without an outlet.

"Hold me? Tell me I'm okay?" His arms were around you, his hand softly cupping your head to his shoulder. He hadn't needed any further encouragement. Why did the circle of his arms feel like the safest place in the world? Why weren't you leaving?

(A/N Vote and Yoongi will hold you too 😅)

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