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You thought he might follow you, might try to stop you. That was a thing from fairy tales, romantic comedies, kdramas. It wasn't reality. You didn't look back, and Yoongi didn't say a word, no indication at all that he even cared.

Half way through wrenching the door open you realized you hadn't put on your underwear and bra in your rush to cover yourself. They must still lay where he'd tossed them on his floor after teasing them from your body. How long had you'd taken to choose that perfect set, hoping he'd like how you looked in the pale blue? Humiliated; completely humiliated.

You turned toward the front door just wanting to create distance from the whole situation and then you were through it, taking the steps down to the exit by twos. Your heart was racing like you were half way through a marathon, even though you'd barely cleared any distance at all.

"That's not what this is," you replayed Yoongi's words silently in your head. "You didn't want a hook up." There it was, you thought back to the kitchen table. He'd said it, he was telling you, if he took you to his bedroom it would mean nothing to him.

"Fucking hell." The tears erupted along with the shame, sexual frustration, and finally the realization that your purse was in Yoongi's kitchen. You leaned against your useless car wanting to shrink into nothing and cried. Hot tears fell for a second but then stopped, followed by a headache. You had to gather yourself and go back up to his apartment to get your purse so you could leave. Letting him see you cry was a step too far, he'd already taken enough of your dignity.

You roughly wiped the tears away and swallowed down the remaining unshed ones before turning back to his building. When you looked across the street, Yoongi was walking your way, carrying the forgotten bag at his side. He closed the distance unhurriedly, managing to look calm and unbothered.

"I put your," he paused, maybe not wanting to say bra and panties out loud, "in there, you left them in my room."

"Thanks." Saying that to him made your stomach sink, he didn't deserve it.

"Why are you acting like this Y/N?" Although his tone was gentle anger burst from you at all once. The audacity of this man was too much for you to let it go no matter how badly you just wanted to run from the whole mess.

"I'm acting like something? The issue here is me? Are you fucking kidding yourself right now? How can you stand here holding my purse out to me where you shoved my underwear like you're not what's wrong with this situation?" You snatched the purse from his hands and refused to think of the things they had done to you up in his bedroom. You immediately dug into the purse brushing past the lace of your panties to retrieve your car keys.

"Because I didn't want to keep going I'm suddenly the bad guy?" Yoongi raised a brow, looking at you thoughtfully and you realized there were other people on the street, now glancing your way at your loud outburst. Yoongi noticed this too and his expression held a hint of worry, you could have cared less about his discomfort but you didn't want to be in some news article tomorrow connected to him.

"Rule Five, don't get attached." You unlocked your car and got in slamming the door with such fury you winced.


MY: I should have made my intentions clear from the beginning

MY: Didn't you enjoy yourself? I'm pretty sure you did

MY: I shouldn't have brought that up, my bad

MY: I like you Y/N but I just don't have the time for something serious

MY: Can't we start over? Talk about this?

Two missed calls: Min Yoongi

MY: Are you going to keep ignoring me? Do you always run from your problems?

MY: I'm guessing that was also the wrong thing to say

MY: You don't know anything about me, let me explain

MY: I'm worried about you Y/N

MY: I just need to know you're alright, at least tell me that

Four missed calls: Min Yoongi

Why didn't you just block him? There was a perverse satisfaction to reading his messages and not replying, a thrill to watching his calls come through and rejecting them before the second ring. How's that for discipline? You knew why he didn't leave a voicemail, that would be irrefutable evidence to be used against him, he wasn't just some random guy.

You'd spent all morning researching him, digging up every tidbit you could on Min Yoongi, BTS, Agust D and you were floored. While they weren't the most popular K-pop group in South Korea, they were quickly climbing to the top. They had a loyal following and you suspected within a couple years there wouldn't be anyone more beloved than BTS.

You flopped backward on your bed stretching, your hands making contact with your head board and you remembered the way he'd buckled your wrists together and chained you to his bed. Yoongi had known exactly how to touch you, make you feel out of control and intensely needy for him. He probably did that to lots of fan girls, your brain shot the thought through you like ice. He held your hand, cooked you dinner, told you that he would be sorry if he didn't see you again, your heart shot back.

Your computer hummed with a video of a blonde version of the lady killer rapping and thrusting his hips in front of a camera, his group spread out around him, drawing your attention as you sat up. You closed it with a sigh not wanting to remind yourself how close you thought you'd gotten to sleeping with Yoongi. Did he just like toying with girls? Tying them up and controlling them, then sending them on their way? What guy didn't want to have sex?

Yoongi's rules were bullshit. His rules were just a game and you'd played it. You lifted your phone to block his number, utterly exhausted from everything you'd learned, and last night. Sleep had been restless until you'd finally just woken and turned to your laptop.

'Do you want to block Min Yoongi?' Did you phone really need to ask you that question? Your thumb pressed yes and you stood from your bed briskly. You weren't going to be late to work anymore. You needed to figure out how you were going to earn enough money to get back home, you were done in South Korea.

Yoongi's Rules • MYGNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ