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"Discipline kitten, we can't always have what we want exactly when we want." He whispered the words against your lips, his warm breath driving you mad. You took a deep shaky breath, his scent filling your nose and lungs then nodded.

He took your hand again and led your through a doorway on the opposite side of the room. It opened to a hallway, Namjoon, Tae and Jimin leaned against the wall. A tall beautiful woman you didn't recognize held a thick notebook and furiously typed on a cell phone. Tae grinned at you like he knew exactly what had happened behind the closed door. You blushed and stepped closer to Yoongi. Namjoon pivoted in front of the door beneath the exit sign blocking the way.

"I'm taking her home, move Joon." Yoongi frowned stopping before his friend.

"You can't. There's paparazzi surrounding your car and we have to be across town for our gig in forty minutes. You're rapping tonight and you know that." Namjoon's voice was kind but firm, it didn't invite any argument. Instantly you knew he was the leader, not Yoongi despite the guys scattering at his order to get out earlier.

"She's sick and shaken up from everything I really should get her home." Yoongi started to push past him but Namjoon stopped him with a hand to his shoulder. They both looked at each other for a moment, you felt guilty that they might argue over you.

"Choi Eun-ji will take her," Namjoon countered, the woman looked up from her phone and gave a placid nod of approval, "we need to go now."

Yoongi pulled you further down the hall and hugged you close. You didn't want to go with the woman but even inebriated, could tell he had no choice but to ask you to do just that.

"Take her to my place Eun-ji." He directed this over your shoulder to the group, then whispered against your ear. "Get some sleep and I'll be there in a few hours. Nothing's changed okay baby? Unblock my number I'll text you." He kissed your lips lightly, hands squeezing your shoulders, then he was walking away. The way he called you baby made your heart race.

Choi Eun-ji led you back into the private room and when she'd shut the door you heard the BTS members exiting, shouts from fans ringing all the way down the hall. She finally looked at you removing her attention from her phone.

"We'll go out the front." Her voice was pleasant and you followed her, your head pounding as you stepped back into the fury of the the club still writhing with people and beats. Before you knew it a black sedan was pulling up and she was holding the door open for you to slide in. She slipped in after you and gave Yoongi's address to the driver.

"Those boys are so rude, they didn't even tell me your name." A lazy smile played across her lips highlighted under the street lights as you drove through the busy downtown.

"Y/N." You turned away looking out the window your stomach turning with the movement of the car.

"I guess they just get tired of all the introductions. It's not like I haven't done this dozens of times. Min Yoongi is especially popular. Have you heard him rap? Who can resist him after that?" She laughed deep in her throat, the sound sexy. Your cheeks burned, why was she telling you this?

"I haven't actually." You didn't realize you were answering her rhetorical question until the words came out. You wished she would stop talking, whoever she was she probably wasn't supposed to gossip about the idols.

"I can tell you from experience a microphone isn't the only thing he can tease with that mouth." There was that laugh again, she returned to her phone, the bright screen lighting up showing the smug look on her face. There was no chance in hell you were going to admit that you'd been on the receiving end of that mouth too.

Don't be naive Y/N, you scolded yourself. Yoongi didn't get that fucking good at what he did to you without being with a lot of women. You could tune that part out when he was making you scream beneath his teasing fingers and hot mouth but it was true. He'd likely done the same exact thing to countless women. And now you were sitting in the backseat of an expensive car with one of them.

"You dated Yoongi?" There was that small vulnerable voice creeping out, the one you hated so much.

"Date? Of course not, that man doesn't do commitments. Oh sweetie, did you think this was something special?" Her tone was so compassionate and caring that you felt tears rushing up. Her hand rubbed your shoulder and you choked back the lump in your throat.

"Can you take me back to my place instead? I don't feel good, I would be so embarrassed if I got sick in his apartment." You said each word carefully hearing the alcohol still pulling at certain syllables.

"Of course." Was that a triumphant grin? You decided you didn't care, Yoongi had said as much himself. He was just going to come home from his show and tell you how he didn't have time for something serious but he really liked you. You'd cave and sleep with him anyway because you couldn't get him out of your head and you felt sorry for yourself. Eun-ji was saving you a lot of frustrating telling you everything now.

You gave your new destination address to the driver and watched as he turned the car around, leaving Yoongi's neighborhood behind. Eun-ji fully satisfied that she'd made her point crystal clear didn't speak to you for the rest of the ride.

You pulled your phone from your purse staring at Amelia's messages. You wiped a tear from the corner of your eye that escaped then typed back. You knew you were taking your unrelated frustrations out on her but being drunk was a good excuse.

YN: I can't stay I'm coming home

YN: Tell me what to do with your stuff

Even though Yoongi had asked you to unblock him, you decided that wasn't going to happen.

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