Twenty Five

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You weren't sure how much she'd seen, hopefully nothing since her back was to the kitchen tugging her two huge suit cases behind her. You hurried toward her brushing your shirt downward and helped her pull one suitcase into the apartment. Yoongi had grabbed the other one, and your best friend's eyes went wide as she looked up at him.

"Suga?" Her voice had an edge of bewilderment and she looked starstruck. You froze at her use of Yoongi's stage name.

"You must be Lia?" He bowed politely sliding her suitcase out of the way so she could walk fully into the hallway, the door easing shut with a soft click.

"You must get that all the time, that you look like that rapper from BTS." Amelia's words were shaky and she looked from you to Yoongi.

"I do, but that's because I am one of the rappers from BTS. I'm Min Yoongi, nice to meet you finally." He bowed again and motioned to the kitchen. "I just brought dinner, there's plenty, are you hungry?"

You moved quickly back into the kitchen rounding up plates and washing the chopsticks, which you'd intended to do before Yoongi had distracted you. You heard them behind you, Yoongi leading the conversation, asking politely about her flight, and her parents, while Amelia squeaked out nervous answers. When you turned around they were in the living room clearing the coffee table.

"I figured there would be more room in here, since the table is pretty small for three people." You laughed watching Amelia nod while staring at Yoongi, hands moving with the task but clearly not aware of her own actions.

"Lia, why don't you come help me carry the food while Yoongi finishes in there? You can grab some drinks from the fridge." You giggled out the words. She rushed to her feet joining you. Yoongi pretended to be very interested in scrolling through his phone to play music on your speakers, seconds later one of your favorite jazz artists rippled through the room. The music gave you some privacy standing at the fridge with your best friend.

"Why is 1/7th of BTS in our apartment Y/N? No, don't answer that, I know the answer to that, he's the guy you've been dating? You didn't think you should tell me that?!" Amelia was whispering the words, tripping over her own thoughts and glaring at you. "Do you even know how popular they are here? How popular they are everywhere?"

You calmly explained that you couldn't just go around telling people you were dating Min Yoongi, but you also promised to tell her everything, and answer any questions she had after he left. With Amelia calm she helped you carry everything into the living room, Yoongi had tossed some pillows on the floor and pulled the table out so everyone could sit around it.

Dinner started with polite conversation, once more Yoongi leading asking after her brother, taking everyone down paths that were easy to navigate. After a few minutes you could see the gears working in your best friend's head, see her getting her bearings. You knew Amelia was about to turn back into the extroverted, outgoing, fearless woman you knew.

"Since I'm Y/N's roommate, I get best friend privileges right?" Amelia leaned forward, elbows on the coffee table, slurping up noodles casually at the end of her sentence.

"Lia." You eased out her name, trying to instill caution and manners in her.

"I mean, it's only fair right? But maybe you should explain what that means? So we're on the same page?" Yoongi chuckled, and you could see his playfulness responding to her. You sat back digging into kimchi just watching this unfold.

"Autographs?" Amelia started.



"Of course."

"Exclusive pics?"

"I think I have some laying around somewhere."

"Concert tickets?"

"If you promise to make Y/N join you." Yoongi laughed as Amelia escalated.

"My bias is Kim Seokjin. Can you help me meet him?"

"I'll handcuff you to him if you'd like, no problem." Yoongi squeezed her arm and Amelia erupted into squeals of glee.

"You're not kidding? I can meet world wide handsome?"

"If you promise to never call him that in front of me." Yoongi pretended to gag.

"Y/N! What was it like to meet BTS?" She was zeroed in on you now.

"I've not met Jung Hoseok, Jeon Jungkook or Kim Seokjin yet. Why do you know so much about them? You've never mentioned them to me." You narrowed your eyes at her.

"I only really got into them when I got here, and I didn't want you to think I was some weird koreaboo. I chose to just enjoy their music, alone."

Amelia continued to pepper Yoongi with questions a while longer. What was it like to be in BTS? (surreal) How long had he been with the group? (four years) Did he have a BTS bias? (sometimes Jimin, sometimes Jin) Were they as close as they seemed on tv? (closer)

"Do you have feelings for my best friend?" Amelia scowled at him, this question seemingly formidable.

"More than she knows." Yoongi brushed your hair back from your face and kissed your cheek.

"I think I should call my parents, let them know I got in okay. It was really great meeting you, I'm sure we'll see each other soon. Don't forget-," Amelia leapt to her feet, clearly wanting to give you and Yoongi some space, realizing she'd interrupted your date.

"Best friend privileges. Consider them a verbal contract." They smiled at each other and Amelia disappeared into her room shutting the door. Yoongi pulled you into his lap, kissing you the moment the door latched. His kisses were urgent and needy, his hands tangled in your hair and pulled you tightly against his body.

"I like Amelia, a lot in fact, but I feel like she interrupted a very important moment." Yoongi stroked his thumb across your bottom lip when he finally pulled back from your kiss. "But why do I feel like you were about to stop me even if she hadn't shown up?"

"What are you talking about?" You busied yourself stroking your fingers through his soft hair, trying to do anything but look into his deep brown eyes.

"I told you that I belong to you, that I'm yours." He grasped your chin, straightening your head to look into the endless warm orbs of his, like he could see through you. "I'm in love with you Y/N, and I'm worried you don't feel the same about me." Yoongi looked a little sad when he said it, but your heart was beating out of your chest.

"You love me?"

"Since the moment I walked into the club room and saw you again. I told myself I was crazy, love doesn't happen that fast, but why not? I knew it. I know it now." There were those words again, like your first date, they flowed out of him, like bars of a song, beautiful and full of emotion. When you opened your mouth to speak his kissed you quickly, then gently slid you off his lap.

"Don't say it back. I'll wonder if you did it just to appease me." Yoongi stood. "I'm going to go, but not because I'm upset. You're having doubts, talk to your friend, meditate, paint, whatever you need to do to figure them out. Then text me kitten." He towed you upward to your feet, and into his arms, kissing you again with such tenderness you found it painful to not confess your own feelings, then he left.

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