Thirteen ♥

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Your phone chimed in your wristlet breaking the tension between you. You stepped out of his arms grateful for the distraction. You knew that the longer you indulged in this fantasy with him the longer it would take to recover from it. The room had been too silent, allowing the thoughts of how you would regret this to bounce into your tipsy brain.

"Please tell me that's not the asshole." Yoongi complained, you shrugged and opened your sequined purse, how could you know who it was without looking? It could really only be a small handful of people. You hoped it wasn't Seojun antagonizing you, or even apologizing, which would be worse.

Lia: Don't hate me, I can't come back yet.

Lia: I know I'm breaking my promise but my parents flipped out when I told them and I don't know what to do

Lia: Please don't be mad at me Y/N! Don't leave SK yet, I'll come back as soon as I can

You hadn't cried through any of your ordeal this evening, but this was one disappointment too much. You covered your face crying into your palms. You'd completely put out of your mind Amelia returning since you'd been spending so much time with Seojun. Now that he'd turned out to be a fraud you'd be all alone again. The bitterness of your situation brought the sobs into your chest and you couldn't contain them anymore.

"What did he say? Show me, don't cry kitten, it's okay." Yoongi was confused and reached for you ready to draw you back into his arms but you twisted away. Letting yourself feel comforted by someone who had just wanted to use you was dangerous. Was Yoongi really any better than Seojun? He'd actually gotten into your pants then discarded you, Seojun was just a drunk jerk.

"It's not him, don't worry about it." You lifted the phone to reply but couldn't find the words. Could you be angry at her for not wanting to upset her parents? Could you really expect her to pick your comfort over the stability of her family?

"Who could upset you this badly?" Yoongi pulled the phone from your fingers and read the messages. "Who's Lia?" You didn't respond, your miserable sniffling heightened from the remaining alcohol coursing through you. "Wait you're leaving Korea?"

"Just forget it." You grabbed the phone back shoving it into your purse and headed toward the door, Yoongi tried to catch you by the wrist and you whipped your arm away.

"Let me take you home, my car is right out back." He held his palms out, coaxing you gently as if you might strike out at him any moment. You knew you should say no, being close to him was a bad idea, but a worse idea was trying to get home alone, still drunk and full of emotions.


"Really? Okay." He smiled but not happily and held his hand out to you. You wavered for a moment but then let your hand fall into his, long fingers fitting between yours. Your heart started to beat a staccato cadence in your chest and you wanted Yoongi to feel the same. You wanted him to want you the way you wanted him even now. Those fingers had stroked a rhythm into your body that you'd been unable to feel since you'd left you that night.

You stopped walking and a step later he noticed turning to look at you, your arms outstretched between your bodies. He raised a brow, probably wondering if you'd changed your mind about the ride. You closed the distance urgently, lifting your body against his to kiss him, wanting to feel his lips on yours again. Yoongi's hand tangled into your hair as he kissed you back, the pinch of your split lip only distracting you momentarily.

Kissing him was more intoxicating than all the shots you'd taken, his tongue swirling against your lips until you opened, tasting each other again. He walked you backward until you felt the wall against your back and he pinned you there, trapping you between his forearms. His lips pulled from yours and traveled down your jaw to your earlobe, then further into your neck.

Yoongi knew everywhere to put his mouth and you let your hands drop to the bottom of his shirt. Your fingers teasing it upward. He was already hard against the front of his pants, pressing into your abdomen.

"Y/N," it was a moan from his lips, needy and full of promise, "we can't." His lips kissed behind your ear and the 'no' felt so familiar but he stepped even closer to your body. "Before you get upset about me turning you down again, please understand that I really can't. You're drunk and I won't take advantage of that."

"I want you to Yoongi, I don't care." Your palms had made contact with his skin, fanning out across his stomach. He felt on fire, and you continued your hands upward trying to touch everywhere you could. One hand detoured back downward to rub against his cock through his jeans. He was moaning for you, and he wasn't grabbing your hand away like last time.

"I've thought about being with you everyday since you walked out, but kitten, it can't be like this, don't get upset please." He kissed you again but sweetly, and it turned the heat down between you. Yoongis lips were soft as they moved to your forehead, and you didn't feel upset, just regretful that you'd drank so much.

"Okay, you're right." You kissed his neck, teeth finding his collarbone and dragging down to his shirt. His hands tightened on your waist and you knew you'd probably made this decision difficult for him, he throbbed against you now.

"Let me take you back to my place, you can sleep this off and then we can talk about what happened.  If you still want me after that, I'll do things to your body you didn't know were possible." His mouth took yours again, you were both out of control and desperate for each other.

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